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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Get in an utter frenzy over the changes to Irn Bru
  2. Agreed, he does appear to have his MoJo back
  3. I have had half a dozen jobs in the past 36 yrs or so, found early doors that it's better just to get along with most work colleagues, and don't mix out of work. I notice this thread was started by Fide, what has happened to old Confi anyway? Does he not partake any longer?
  4. These a*******s are the worst, no time for them
  5. A wid most definitely, but her politics make Esther McVey seem positively moderate
  6. No matter at home games, he only sits two rows up
  7. Be on screen 2019, am sure I read somewhere
  8. The manager does appear to know what he is doing Prunty to East kilbride I heard. He will go there happy, got his birthday cake on Saturday
  9. Your point is noted, and summarily ignored
  10. Never noticed the ringer at the back, who snuck in next to Coops, clown
  11. good to see this lot in hospitality yesterday, club needs to embrace former players
  12. Most on here find it unlikely you have a wife, so there is no chance there is a mistress
  13. If this was any other Coach, QB or franchise, but this is Bill Bellichick, Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, so they will find a way through it, they always do
  14. I could have quoted any number of replies, yours was picked purely at random, just to emphasise how ridiculous this whole nonsense regarding Swankie and whether he can or cannot play against Forfar, especially as we are beating them without him
  15. Have we not taken all 9 points from Forfar this season, so 3 wins without Gav, can we now stop this rubbish
  16. Went to specsavers in Arbroath for an eye test, spent 1 hour 45 minutes in the place, only to be told my current prescription is fine
  17. Possibly a bit over the top, but getting him to do it, quite an achievement
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