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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Just seen the Brownlee Brothers in one, it was amusing
  2. Have it downloaded, going to start watching it this week
  3. Her insistence that she has an excellent sense of direction, when I gently question this, a sulk occurs
  4. He was dreadful at defensive midfield, had no clue what he was meant to be doing, just got in the way
  5. For me, Ferns was lucky to get a new contract, but we all said this last year about Goldie, so we see what occurs, if it does not work out, he will be gone in January, in Dick we trust
  6. I do agree with you, who started the new thread?, oh....
  7. At times that defence played well in spite of Sukar, that's how good Hammy, Ricky and Goldie were, who was the LB in the league 2 team of the year?
  8. Why would i have Sukar back?, Hammy and Ricky were the best defensive PAIRING in the league last season, so leave them as is, look for a LB, TOB, centre mid with Whately, lets McCord play in a 3 with Denholm and Bobby behind Stevie D, simples as that meerkat says
  9. But your wrong, best defensive pairing last season, but there is still some who want to break it up, bewildering
  10. Hammy at CB and get a LB in, that sounds a bit familiar.....
  11. Och no, his time as a lichtie is over, look forward not back
  12. Play-offs my a**e, am having a tenner on us for the league
  13. It will be fine, don't need to know everything about transfers or who the targets are, trust the management team to get the players in
  14. No, not really, was well known he could be a bit difficult to work with
  15. Very much so, but did look a bit of a luxury at times, but we wish him well
  16. Always had the impression Connery was a bit of a a*** hole, who took himself far to seriously, but always Sir Roger was a good guy, who did not take himself to seriously, at all
  17. Have to say, I also gave it much more time than it deserved, it is dreadful
  18. Yep a shoe shop, Dundee has one
  19. This is exactly right, but on an other note, Betfred Cup draw June 2nd
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