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Everything posted by ecto

  1. King Power for me tomorrow Leicester v Huddersfield, been before terrific place to take in a game
  2. Just been into a Spar in Loughborough, on the shelves already
  3. Lucky you seeing a game, fucking IKEA Nottingham for me, marvellous
  4. This will never see the light of day, now "holster that seethe" and move on
  5. Bud at 10am, 2 since not going to make Christmas dinner at this rate
  6. Off work on Friday for two weeks, going to England to see the grandchildren on the 27th, it starts for me then
  7. Having 280 characters instead of 140 have made most of Twitter twice as tedious
  8. Surely Kane wants to start games, so if it is not going to happen here, he moves on, Prunts in a different point of his career, no sure what we would achieve having him and Fraser
  9. Hammy was much better on Saturday, but I still think he is a much better centre-back than left-back, but he is being asked to perform that role
  10. What Shiels said is irrelevant, but O'Hara said was abhorrent, 8 games not long enough, should have sat out the rest of the season
  11. I can see him doing this, but Omar instead of Bobby, but it is a relief Doris only out for 3 weeks, looked worse than that on Saturday
  12. Dislocated knee, my son had that, on crutches for 10 weeks, rehab another 6 weeks, see where I am going with this
  13. On another subject, we only have 18 players in our squad, could do with at least 2 more defenders, in my view
  14. Dundee have 2 trialists, 1 named 1 not......
  15. After the start Dundee have made, it look like they require reinforcements, so they might be using this as a trial game
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