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Everything posted by ecto

  1. For him to be in the condition he was at the start of the season was not acceptable, but do agree since his physical condition improved he has been superb
  2. Now I do agree with much of this and there is a lot of it, last Saturday was the first game I had seen since we beat Clyde and it is fair to say I noticed a difference, a nervousness in fact, not helped by the fact that everyone, including the players knew before ten past three that Forfar were losing, this brought an unnecessary urgency to our play, when really, cool heads and patience was required, from the crowd and players, now about the "moaners"' little unfair to suggest that only "old guys" were at it, now three games to go, win them all, win the league, simple
  3. Ffs, the whole point if serious jockin is it is not to be taken serious, it's a bit if light relief on a Friday afternoon. I love Steve Wright have done since Radio 1, but Ken Bruce is a joy
  4. Murray was a much more accomplished player than Kane
  5. Kane does score goals, of that there is no doubt, but he is raw as f**k, not sure he knows what he is going to do half the time, so no chance his teammates know what he is going to do, unpredictability has its charm and at time it's advantages, but this is a team game
  6. Galloway has turned into a poor impression of himself
  7. He has turned into a proper p***k, pity, had high hopes for him
  8. It appears that once you join Twitter you become an expert on everything
  9. Don't disagree, am the same with her off Scotland Tonight, think Rona Dougall is her name, absolutely dreadful, don't watch if she is on
  10. Not sure of your point here, no issue at all with last months, you lot had a terrific run in March, the award was richly deserved
  11. We are 2nd the league only lost 5 league games all season, but our manager has never been manager of the month or no player has been player if the month
  12. Yeah, its only John Mason, so nothing to see here
  13. And looks the better for it, bit of a shame he came into the season so heavy, oh well, seeing the best of him now
  14. These were wonderful things, went for days on a thimbleful of petrol
  15. Remember getting one of those, could I work it, could I f**k
  16. I know am a bit behind, watching Happy Valley Series 1, it is great
  17. Show pony, disappears when things not going his way never hides, would have him back in a minute
  18. One thing was proved yesterday, Monk is a humourless c**t
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