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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Nah, perfect site at the Kinnell Crossroad, right in the middle of the four towns
  2. it is not that late and, well you know the rest....
  3. No really, they are in a different league
  4. Nah, your alright, if the manager leaves, he leaves, we wish him well and we move forward with someone else
  5. Wonder who was in charge of the wardrobe selection?
  6. Don't mind Gomes staying, but with Chris Smith out there........
  7. Bit of p***k, but when he puts his mind to it, he can play, just does not do it often enough
  8. He is going to Montrose, you heard here first
  9. It is, he was always "pink" when he played, the reason I know not
  10. 10 years ago, aye, not now, must be better than him around
  11. It is, the way he celebrated at the end was superb, but according to his Twitter, that's it for him This has been a bit of an issue since he arrived, hope he stays
  12. If your lace snaps at the start of the day, for me, normally means it is going to be a crap day
  13. or just the amount of football colours worn in general
  14. He bound to have been mentioned before, surely Alan Cumming
  15. My point is simply, Hammy has been consistently good all season, Stevie had a slow start to the season, but has been wonderful since the turn of the year
  16. Deservedly really, thought Hammy would have had more than a shout, just a thought
  17. This may well be true, but really you have found a peculiar way to show it, come on man, we are going up, we are going up
  18. Well he has made a fool of himself, but it does take their minds off the fact that their season has been a complete catastrophe, just a observation
  19. Christison will show more class and be much more dignified than you, of course this barrage of criticism reveals much more about you than anything else, so hopefully in the cold light of the morning, with a clear head, you will be a little embarrassed by your last couple of posts, come on, we are top of the league
  20. Now it is ELO, Don't bring me down, least it's a classic
  21. Not any need for the attitude now, you have your wish, so wind your neck in
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