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Everything posted by ecto

  1. can i ask who this poll was conducted for?
  2. Yet another "keyboard warrior", plenty of them on her, LOL :lol:
  3. You sound like Blair Jenkins, don't believe him either, this is an argument that does not wash, if things were going so well the result would be a done deal by now and low and behold that is not what the polls are showing, but before you give me the "only poll that matters is on the 18th" line, am not buying that either
  4. yet again much jumping on the "bandwagon", not an original thought to be had, so scuttle off there is a good boy, the grown ups are talking
  5. Desperate stuff, really no not really, more by the fact Salmond was hyped up, to the point that it was hardly worth Darling turning up, and all we seen was a man out of his comfort zone, and many on here who confused with "public speaking" with "debating", they are NOT the same thing
  6. it is not excitement caused by the debate, the "actual debate" is getting lost, all that is getting people excited is how appalling Salmond's performance was
  7. Self praise is no praise really, just saying I was not going to rise to that
  8. I would suggest that there are many things that are beyond you
  9. Just because No voters may be less "rabid" than many of the "Yessrs" does mean they do not care, you can be passionate about something without "foaming at the mouth"
  10. oh but many of you did, how is that going for you now
  11. would not have expected anything different, truth hurts, doesn't it
  12. where does he put his car stickers, if he has no car?
  13. if the last couple of weeks had gone the other way, this forum would have been in a "frenzy", but since has not gone the way of the "yessrs", there has been a collective "petted lip", cast your mind back to the good old days of, February, March and April when "Yes" was booming, now some of the stuff written then was really "classless, but always remember "what comes around, goes around", you cannot have it both ways
  14. no chance of me feeling awful about doing what I believe to be the right thing
  15. being complacent will be totally unacceptable, that is all
  16. you were doing real well then you spoiled it with the "snide" at the end, pathetic
  17. easy tiger, no quite there yet, still make sure everybody goes out and vote, because the "yessrs", they will go out and vote
  18. it would appear your sense of humour has also been lost, pity
  19. it was not my intention to come across as gloating, nor was I intending to point score I do agree the that independence is not all about Salmond, but as I am talking about the build up to the debate and the debate it's self, it was all about the FM, all we heard in the lead up was, what Salmond was going to do to Darling and it did not happen, and in the days after the debate all the SNP and YesScotland did was "spin" the whole thing, you would be naïve to think otherwise
  20. Had you down as been better than many of "sore" losers on this forum, but apparently not, pity
  21. What did you expect we had weeks of Salmond being built up as the "master debater", so much of the BT noise about the debate has in fact been more about the fact that the "master debater" tag which was hung on the FM was shown to have been a complete and utter myth It does appear now that Salmond weaknesses have now been exposed, and they were laid bare for all to see, so it does appear the truth does indeed hurt It is also been obvious on this thread, that good polls for the YesScotland campaign were always treated on this with much "fanfare", bad polls were dismissed not just out of hand, but at time quite aggressively dismissed, that my friend cannot be denied
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