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Everything posted by ecto

  1. No danger, we were much worse, in the 1st part of that season under John McGlashan, was Irvine not his 1st game, It was Campbell by a mile
  2. Nothing at all, just an excuse to have a "kick" at Ed Milliband
  3. Thought this was the latest polls and odds thread?
  4. On this poll there appears that not only has the Yes vote gone up by 1% so has the No support also gone up by 1%, compared to the last Panelbase Poll, so if that is a trend, it is a trend, so i am not dismissing the trend at all and neither will the Better Together campaign
  5. They must be "playthings" as polls are often ignored on this thread, oh i get it bad polls are ignored and dismissed It seems uncanny, but nothing to say the result will be the same,
  6. with all due respect, you need to stop quoting what happened in 2011, lightning very rarely strikes twice in the same place, but you are right polls are just "playthings" until 18th September
  7. You are having a laugh, this thread is littered with polls that are ignored by pro-indy supporters, if the poll was done by panelbase, their previous polls have been generous to Yes Scotland in the past, just saying
  8. Typical of this thread, no comment at all when polls are poor for pro-indy, but when they are better, suddenly the thread comes alive, selective or what?
  9. We see by the 19th of September, who was talking pish
  10. If you are suggesting the polls going up by a marginal amount since Christmas is momentum, then there is momentum I am not the one who used them as a example of unionist fervour, am sure for people who attend them find them very entertaining and enjoyable, but not my thing, but then again I am not a fan of Scottish Country Dance Music or the Bagpipes Never considered myself as a "Northern Brit", I always thought of the North of England as being more likely to be a "Northern Brit"
  11. This is the latest polls and latest odds thread, but once again no comment again on a poor poll or the latest odds
  12. Ah see what happened here the Yes vote get "hot under the collar" after a mention of Braveheart, but nothing at all about the above poll and latest betting, of course that's because they are not very good at all
  13. Sky News reporting a YouGov poll for The Times, Yes 37% No 53% Dks 10% also Ladbrokes Politics still offering No at 1/6
  14. I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be
  15. Braveheart, I would imagine will be shown on STV the night before the vote, just for a bit of patriotic fervour, god help us
  16. Really should have stopped after your 1st paragraph, not much point on going after that
  17. No surprise there, it is in a SNP stronghold, would probably get the same result if you did a poll most places in Angus
  18. Thought BBC Breakfast came from Salford, so think when Steph is anywhere, she is around Manchester
  19. No since his new diet, heard him on the TV saying he was off the "carbs", if he got any thinner he would fade away, Salmond fading away to nothing, sounds fine to me, no more of his "smug pus", bliss!
  20. Or you choose not to see it, just saying, guess the turn out will also depend on the polls, if it looks like one side is heading for a good victory, or people just don't engage with the campaign, but hope the turn out is 90-95%, although I wont be it might be closer to 70-75%, which is good
  21. Scotland Tonight, that pair of presenters think they are the most important thing on it, they are terrible
  22. Panalbase had a poll last August which gave Yes Scotland a single point lead, until recently the only poll that had Yes Scotland over 40%
  23. This poll appears to have Yes Scotland at the same as they were in the Record/Survation poll, 2 weeks ago, and a couple of points up on the last ICM poll, a shift yes, but not a significant shift as the paper claims, as for John Curtice, knows his stuff, but he does come down on the side of the nationalists
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