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Everything posted by ecto

  1. I don't agree at all, don't think Better Together has not really got started yet, if Yes Scotland cannot make ground just now they never will, the poll rating for Independence is not much different from the day the white paper was published
  2. Not the old, its how they process data argument, already, really that is true, it is going to be fun til then
  3. Got nothing going for them just now, so lets re-hash a 6 week old poll, priceless, last week they were back down to 32%
  4. people who go and see bands from their youth who were famous for 5 minutes, who barely have an original member left, then go around saying how great they were
  5. I am a no-voter and I consider myself looking at the "big picture"
  6. Latest Odds from Ladbrokes Yes 11/2 No 1/6
  7. An awful lot of faith been put on swaying the don't knows and the wavering no's, and if the vote was tomorrow think the gap would be wider
  8. Lightning striking twice, that is a reach, but if it gets you through, who am I to pass judgement
  9. Judging by the poll I seen tonight, 40% might be the best they can hope for
  10. No sure about trusting panelbase, they did the one poll commissioned by the SNP that gave the Yes campaign a narrow lead and the only poll that gave them over 40%, in fact just seen a IPSOS MORI poll on the STV News Aberdeen Yes 32% No 57% Undecided 11%
  11. Really it is a long time 200 days, since 2011 the support for independence has risen by lets say 5 or 6%, they are looking for a rise of say double that in 200 days I don't really think Better Together have even really started yet, but Yes Scotland and the SNP have been rattled over the past couple of weeks, so the next 200 days will either be very interesting or a non-event, but Ladbrokes still offering 7/2 for a Yes Vote and 1/5 for a No Vote
  12. The SNP have pretty much being campaigning since they won the last Scottish election in 2011, and they have a highly unpopular government in London, which should work in their favour, but the polls are not reflecting this, in my view Think both sides have looked a little "ragged" recently, but these polls show very little change since the publishing of the white paper, that was 4 months ago and only 200 days to go
  13. UK Polling Report website has selection of Polls since January 2012, only once is there a poll with Yes Scotland in the lead and that same poll is the only poll with "Yes" vote polling over 40% and that poll was done by Panalbase commissioned by the SNP
  14. I only quoted the odds, you will take out of them what you want
  15. On currency if Scotland becomes an independent country GBP 1/3 New currency 3/1 Euro 10/1, That's of Feb. 13, that's from Ladbrokes Politics
  16. They will get votes, they will give some a "bloody nose", but will struggle to take seats It seems to me that UKIP will take votes in the south of England from the Tories, on a anti- Europe ticket, but further up England they could take votes off other parties on a anti- immigration ticket, strange
  17. Or you could be completely wrong on all of above, just saying
  18. Ladbrokes latest odds 1/5 NO 7/2 YES just saying
  19. Must do, all these debate programmes had 2 on Welfare, 1 on immigration , god knows how many we will get between now and the 2015 election, I include the indy debates as well, find Question Time is more than enough for me
  20. No I have contempt in equal measures for both teams, so no different reaction here
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