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Austin McCann

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Everything posted by Austin McCann

  1. I don't want to dredge it all up again, but i really don't know what her ridiculous claims are. I don't blame people trying to bury the absolute shitshow Scottish football made of the pandemic.
  2. Absolutely. One of the very few pointing out that Scottish football was in a very, very small minority who couldn't finish the season. The reasons why were a sham and reached through underhand tactics.
  3. Definitely a decent signing. He played for Malky McKay at Cardiff, is this a pointer towards your next manager?
  4. "everyone" Birmingham have spent nothing the last couple of transfer windows.
  5. You understand it LG. There is no way hibs rejected 3M for Nisbet.
  6. Because he wanted to leave. That doesn't mean hibs were offered 3 million, if they had been offered that he would have been gone.
  7. Doig, AC Milan, 5m, Nisbet, 3m, 18000, blah blah. You must be working it out by now.
  8. Fucking hell. Three Scottish cups in 60 years, glory hunters .
  9. I didn't see that. I'm surprised to hear he's not blaming McLean as he has had a few run ins with McLean in the past and i presumed this was a continuation of that.
  10. I think Neilson's problem is with Steven McLean rather than Lewis Ferguson. He's more trying to highlight McLean's ineptness. Ferguson was nicked but it wasn't enough to put him down, he dived. Whether that's a penalty or not is debatable. "There was contact" is often used to justify penalties but it's a daft statement, there's contact all over the pitch all the time. I would have been shouting for a penalty if it was the other way round.
  11. In a thread that's as much a mess as this it's always good to see a clear winner for the worst post, the absolute state of this. Aye. Difficult to drop lower than that.
  12. Comfortable deserved win. At no point were we not the better team.
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