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Everything posted by ditots

  1. Can someone quickly clear something up. Regarding the Celtic goal tonight, Hooper in my opinion was clearly offside as he was half a yard beyond the last defender when the ball was passed to him by Samaras. Someone has just told me he wasn't offside as he was in line with Samaras. Now before I rip into this silly remark can someone please confirm I'm correct as I don't want to look like a fanny.
  2. Has anyone got any idea who we are supposed to be signing before the transfer window closes?
  3. So we now have enough in the kitty to sign one more player. I know I have said in the past that we have one decent striker so we should be looking for another but now I have changed my mind. We have got to do something about the defence we are leaking goals far to easily.
  4. The tannoy guy should be paraded on the pitch tomorrow night so the fans can show their support to him
  5. All the guy was trying to do was have a bit of banter to lighten the mood after a dismal 1st half performance. It brought a smile to my miserable face when I heard him.
  6. We have all forgot about one thing. Who the hell goes up front if Taylor gets injured? White is not the answer. I think Presley should be looking for back up
  7. So Shirley has finally worked out who killed the hamster and it looks like Miss Piggy and Jack will probably be an item by the end of the next episode.
  8. Missed the last week due to my keen interest in Beach Volleyball. Where is the Kat storyline going? Has it been revealed who the lucky/unlucky guy is yet? Does Alfie have any idea what is going on?
  9. Has he been removed from Twitter? I can't seem to find him tonight.
  10. Defence was terrible today. Murdoch had a bad game which certainly didn't help. Taylor can fairly put the chances away . With Dods, Weatherston and Alston all to come back into the side it will only improve us. I just new that little c**t McDonald would score.
  11. With Sibbald and Dods both playing yesterday I don't think we will be seeing them this afternoon.
  12. Looking forward to going to the game tomorrow night. I'm sick and tired of all the Newco business. I just want to go and watch some football.
  13. Anyone know what way this going today? Is it to close to call? I don't have time to look through the last several pages I'm at work.
  14. Most of them are. What is the script with the guy? Was he a past member of P&B.
  15. Followed that Peter Dow guy for a few weeks. The man is obviously mentally unstable. I unfollowed when he started perving over Serena Williams.
  16. Some brain dead bigot on mine still posts "WATP". He lives in Bo'ness
  17. To me the statement says "NO" to the current offer that is on the table but we would be wiling to do a deal if there was an improved offer. Basically we have two choices: 1. Send them down to the 3rd and get bugger all. The SPL will take the huff and stick two fingers up to us at any suggestion of reform. 2. Let them into the 1st . Get all the things we demand but risk having a long queue of fans demanding their season ticket money back. It's a no win situation.
  18. Well that was utter pish tonight. The football was farcical and wasn't helped by Kat flashing her knickers at anything that had a pulse. I reckon it was the coach from the other team that done it in the kitchen with the rolling pin.
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