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Everything posted by airdrieman

  1. The Usos to take their place and Slater and Rhyno to triumphantly beat them?
  2. Was a cracking final and a well deserved win for Tipp. Hopefully the football final is just as good.
  3. WWE are utterly obsessed with someone getting injured during a match just now. Must be at least one a match. That was enjoyable in parts. Opening segment, Sasha's promo and Bayley v Charlotte were all good. I was sure Sasha was about to announce her retirement so a decent swerve. You're right though about the comments RE Dana - that seemed uncalled for and unnecessary. I like the New Day and Gallows and Anderson but this fued has been pretty chronic. The Shining Stars beating Enzo and Big Cass is laughable. I can only assume they're setting up a short fued/match at Clash of Champions. I hope Cesaro is going to mount a comeback and bring the series back to 3 - 3 although I have fears it will be a 4 - 0 squash. Their matches have been one of the best parts of Raw recently. Strauman, Titus and Darren Young all shite. Will be interesting to see Nia Jax take part in an actual fued now. Her v Alicia Fox could be enjoyable. Where's Rusev? Liked the longest reigning universal champion patter.
  4. What was that Milkman guff all about? Completely pointless. Thought they could have made more of the Miz's outburst from last week. He could have attacked Ziggler backstage later during the night for example. Hopefully it will develop well though.
  5. Daniel Bryan to "address" The Miz on Smackdown tonight
  6. That's how you play GAA. Will be rooting for Mayo. f**k Dublin winning again. With several other sporting hoodos being broken this year (Hibs winning the Scottish Cup and Hull FC winning the Challenge Cup at Wembley) maybe this will finally be their year...
  7. Just heard the news about Harry 'Mr Fuji' Fujiwara. RIP. What a character. Hope he's cracking ribs with his stick and throwing salt in people's eyes up in the sky.
  8. The Rebels series finale was fantastic. The series dipped at times (too many filler episodes that didn't go anywhere for me) but at it's best it is cracking. I'm looking forward to series 3 now. I'm hoping they will build up stories over a few episodes this time like they did in the Clone Wars rather than the one off episodes they've tended to have in Rebels so far.
  9. Presumably. I'd rather it had been Wyatt in the first place but not sure how well that will play now.
  10. Both of Cesaro's matches were class but ruined by shite endings. Didn't see the point in Daniel Bryan being there or the last segment at all really. Obviously it was to set up the final match but they surely could have done it in a much better way.
  11. Assumed/hoped they would book Bray Wyatt to beat Ziggler for the #1 contender spot. Would have been a lot more interesting but hopefully they'll keep Wyatt in the main event picture regardless.
  12. No chance. I messed mine up last year and they were painfully slow.
  13. Certainly was nowhere near as good as last week's show. Did enjoy the Rollins v Zayn match though.
  14. I haven't watched the Season 3 trailer yet as I'm still making my way through way Season 2 but when will be Season 3 be on the TV?
  15. Was at Clones. Not great football but still an enjoyable day (if you were of a Tyrone persuasion) and dramatic game. I imagine most of the purists will have been fuming. Can't see past Dublin but will be interesting to watch the rest of the competition. I'm looking forward to the Cork v Donegal game this weekend.
  16. Details about the characters in Rogue One have been released. http://io9.gizmodo.com/meet-the-heroes-villains-and-badass-droid-of-rogue-on-1782427553 Forest Whitaker will play Saw Gerrera, one of the Onderon freedom fighters from the Clone Wars. Darth Vader will also make an appearance http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36603978/darth-vader-is-set-for-a-star-wars-comeback-in-the-prequel-film-rogue-one
  17. Aye, that one was class. I enjoyed all the episodes that involved reckoning with the force, such as Altar of Mortis. Don't know if it's just because I watched them last but the last two series seemed to be consistently high quality.
  18. Thanks guys. Finished the series today. Really enjoyed it. A few dips in quality, as is to be expected, but some great episodes, stories, characters and battles too. Really important part of Anakin's story arch too and does a good job of illustrating his descent to the darkside. Think I'll give Rebels a bash now.
  19. Fans do not need to be consulted. And that's the bottom line 'cause FF said so.
  20. Is there anywhere I can watch the Clone Wars series online? Only got series 5 and 6 left but haven't got US Netflix to work consistently for a while now and it's wearing my patience. Thanks
  21. Last exam of 2nd year today. Is it next year when things start getting serious?
  22. Parry is a good keeper. Has a mistake in him but he is an excellent shot stopper. His shot stopping will have saved or as won us as many points as we lost from his mistakes. His kicking is atrocious though.
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