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Everything posted by airdrieman

  1. Oh you definitely don't want that. Plus he's already admitted himself that management is not for him.
  2. TBF (I think) Willis is still available. You could do a lot worse although he certainly would not be in the best shape since he hasn't done a pre-season
  3. Not only a team of juniors but a team of substandard juniors. There's some good players in the juniors and QP have done well in that market before but, generally speaking, they're not playing for the likes of Larkhall Thistle and Wishaw. Really fear for you guys this season, hope you can get through it on and off the park.
  4. Liam Watt is a good signing. Not the best technically (although I don't think he's that bad) but a grafter who will work hard in the middle of the park. His goal tally is reasonably good too. He did play on the left wing for us sometimes but he is much more effective in the middle of the park IMO. Was pushed out of Airdrie for the incompetent Hugo Faria which to this day I'm still not sure why.
  5. Can't add too much more to what has already been said but Balatoni is an absolutely superb signing. Only played a couple of trial games for Airdrie but the difference in the defence when he was in the side was night and day. A genuine leader who can organise a defence and talk and lead them through a game. Strong and will win everything in the air. Surprised he's ended up at this level TBH but fair play for getting him signed up (and on a 2 year deal too).
  6. Have you read any of Danny Denholm's blogs Cesc? Think he would be an intelligent and thoughtful guest
  7. Pretty much hits the nail on the head RE Adam. Had 3 different spells at Airdrie and if I remember correctly he was outstanding for his first two spells and not quite as good during his last spell (or it might have been his first and third spell he was good and his 2nd spell a bit ropey). But every time he came in he was exactly what we needed. A confident goalkeeper who could do the basics, communicate, had good distribution and who would come out for crosses. But like you say his decision making can be totally erratic and I think this has been to his detriment at most clubs since he's left Airdrie as most fans seem to consider him a bombscare. I can only assume with the more mistakes he's made the less confident he's become too which will have adversely affected his game as his confidence was one of his main attributes. Hopefully a good run in a good side would get him back playing to a solid standard. And as you say, he's a mad b*****d. My favourite Grant Adam moment was the play-off semi-final win away at Ayr when he was swinging on the bar and doing forward rolls all over the place.
  8. Maybe slightly harsh but I wouldn't say bitter. I think all Airdrie fans were non-plussed about Muir leaving. Would have been happy for him to be backup, I think him and Hutton are probably on a par, but IMO Scott Gallacher is an upgrade.
  9. We offered him a new contract but he never signed as he wasn't guaranteed a starting spot so this is an interesting move
  10. Well in theory maybe but he'll also be playing at a higher level against much better teams on a week to week basis. Maybe some Airdrie fans' reactions have been OTT (although I don't think so) but at the end of the day, if you can't cut it for the team that finishes 7th place in the third tier playing against bog-standard part-time teams, that hardly bodes well for a season in the second tier against largely good full-time teams. No harm to the boy. I wish him well and hope he can make a success of his time at Alloa. But I just can't see him being of the required standard to make an impact.
  11. TBH, even with those 'positive attributes' mentioned above, he doesn't show them anywhere near often enough to make up for his complete lack of bite or heart. He's got pace and would probably be useful in a flat race, but I don't think I've ever seen him take on and beat a man and whip in a decent cross. His final ball is dreadful. He never tracks back or makes himself useful in any way defensively. He's scored the odd cracking goal and played the (very) odd blinder of a pass but these are such a rarity. I like to think of myself as someone who doesn't want his players to just get 'stuck in' all the time but even with that Brown's lack of heart or bite is infuriating. He not only doesn't go for 50/50 balls but almost (maybe actually sometimes) literally shits himself out of them (as he did in the build-up to the goal in the 2nd leg of the Alloa play-off). I cannot remember him ever making a single tackle. Yes people are focusing on his lack of fight/unwillingness to take part in the dirty side of the game. But that's because it's such an issue that it's to the detriment of the side and because he doesn't have the skill to make up for it. Now. he could get away with this lack of heart if he had the skill to make up for it or vice-versa. But unfortunately, he lacks both. I'm genuinely shocked he's got a move up to the Championship. Especially when I can't think of a single player in Alloa's midfield that Brown is demonstrably better than. And because, with all due respect, Alloa are gonna be scrapping for points next season and Brown is not the sort of player that will be useful in that sort of side. We were in the same situation this year in a lower league and he was rubbish/not getting a game for us. Yes, you need to pad out your squad. But not by signing guff. Thought he was destined for some middling junior or lowland league team who would bin him for his complete lack of fight. To put it in perspective some Airdrie fans were disappointed his contract was renewed until the end of the season in January when we were still down to the bare bones squad-wise and almost had more loan players than signed players. I also don't know any Airdrie fans who were disappointed to see him go. Indeed, many probably sang in joy.
  12. On loan and training full-time with Motherwell when not playing or training with us
  13. I believe he is looking to remain full-time and that we're hoping to sign him if he can't get himself a full-time deal. Good chance he'll be in a diamond again next season IMO
  14. Been linked with Keiran Gibbons in the paper today. Do you think he'd be able to make the step up to League 1? How have Bryan Prunty and Liam Coogans been getting on?
  15. Agree with a lot of the shouts on here. Others that I think would be interesting - Paul Lovering David Cox Neil Parry Paul Sheerin Stewart Petrie Gary Bollan Scott Booth (?)
  16. Kevin McBride is someone I’d like to hear from. Part of Airdrie’s shambolic full-time experiment and then part of the Hughes omnishambles at Raith Rovers
  17. Brilliant news! Loved the podcast and the site first time around. Looking forward to some good interviews and plenty of BAT.
  18. Glad to see Prunty in amongst the goals for EK. Good player and even better guy to have around the club. I'm sure he'll be a big help in your promotion push.
  19. Thanks guys. Aye he’s undoubtedly a great guy and a good person to have around the club. I have no idea if he’d be brought in as a coach, just inferring given his age and like you say he’d no doubt have a vast amount of experience he could pass on to our very young squad. Would love for him to have one final good run with us
  20. In the paper that we’re allegedly wanting to sign Prunty. Has he done any coaching for you? He’s probably done at this level and given we’ve just signed Duffy and Carrick too a player/coach role would seem to make the most sense.
  21. Just make sure nobody chats up his bird and he should be a decent signing for you
  22. Much chance of the game going ahead on Tuesday?
  23. Allegedly there won't be another shake up until after Wrestlemania.
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