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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. He'd already totally lost it when after Mackie (professionally) fouled him? Craig Gordon had to have a word
  2. I didn't listen - in what way is Rogers able to take some sort of credit for McGlynn's record?
  3. I used to bump into Davie Weir quite a lot during his Falkirk days (we were on nodding terms due to a mutual friend) He always seemed to be stuffing his face. Years went by and I bumped into him once more at Alton Towers, he was stuffing his face, we nodded at each other and carried on. Nice fella.
  4. The guy who play Bobby btw - terrible actor!
  5. Finished this last night and I have to say I found it all a bit meh Thought it was a bit clunky and disjointed at times with storylines appearing and disappearing almost at random - maybe the hype had me expecting more! Wasn't all shite of course but overall ... meh! Liked Paulie though.
  6. WTF is it with folk leaving their motors running btw!?
  7. We won't finish with 10 men - Hearts should already be down to 10!!
  8. Free hit this so not getting too excited about it - frustrating having Morrison out of course Not sure what else to say!
  9. Cheers - always happy to try out recommended places We saw La Scala from the outside last time - fairly unremarkable like you say. Ta.
  10. Cool - thanks for the reply - we've already decided not to go, it was going to be an obscure opera that was set to run for nearly four hours ... so f'ck that basically. We might try the tour though. Thanks.
  11. They'd be better off letting the thick c'nts implode on their own rather than giving them a target to go after There'll be train loads of lager fuelled potato-heads heading up from Engerlund just looking for trouble - I'd be keeping well clear.
  12. That's Andrew Tate with hair *the one on the right
  13. Turns out the 'alleged muslim' Yaxley-Lennon claimed was behind a stabbing in Stirling was called Callum Fisher A great many 'patriots' had been demanding to know his name - the court better have a massive public gallery cause surely they're still going to be demanding justice! Scot appears in court charged over murder bid after 'stabbing' in Stirling https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/scot-appears-court-charged-over-33398822?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar
  14. I'd be hopeful that given it's over a month away the turnout will be low and peaceful Having said that 'Duelling Banjos' would be a more than suitable soundtrack.
  15. What a woman, I don't think given the numbers that I'd have spoken out like that no matter how repulsed I was - and the other woman's face at being called out on it! The daughter looks genuinely confused that her learned behaviour might just be abhorrent I don't normally 'buy a coffee' for anyone but if I had her details she'd certainly be drinking coffee.
  16. It also used to be handy for contacting businesses via PM - often resulting in a quick and straightforward reply - you need to pay for the privilege now.
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