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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Ian Blackford gets an early invite :
  2. FMQs, you'd need to see it - it's more the anger in her voice than what she actually says (although that goes a bit astray as well) "Puppy-dogs tails"
  3. Dugdale's fucking lost it That debate telephone quip has rattled her to the bone ... Sturgeon makes absolute mincemeat of her. Yet again.
  4. Hey guys - just read an Express article that was shared on Facebook ... I'm only here to calm down a smidge. Ta - carry on.
  5. Yeah, said the SNP were pro-Austerity
  6. And let's not forget that she didn't just stumble upon the set and end up asking a question in the glare of spotlight, she'd applied to go on Question Time to ask the very same made-up loaded question and then agreed to go on the Debate show because the BBC decided she had such an important point to make she just had to go on. Her story was an absolute nonsense driven by a desire to try and discredit the FM on what was, of course, a devolved issue - with Sarah Smith later admitting it wasn't relevant but would influence voting!! The whole thing was a two-bob hatchet job. She later admitted she did it for the nurses who do use Food Banks (although I believe there are no official records to back up nurses using of Food banks) and then twisted her claim to say she'd been 'referred' in the last 5 years - if she has, and I'm calling her an bare faced fucking liar, she did so because of particular circumstances (like her spending all her fucking cash on shite) and has nothing to do with the FM, Holyrood, the Scottish NHS or any fucker other than the lying bint herself.
  7. Yes, player being linked to football club, strange days indeed.
  8. I agree ... but I don't know the relevance of yon umbrellas ?
  9. I really don't know if it's relevant or been mentioned in the Fuddies thread but I know that Jack Ross originally approached Reilly with a view to taking him to Dundee and when that didn't happen he took him to St Mirren. He's got the potential to have a decent season with them.
  10. DUP getting a round of applause - that's me officially done with the multitude of utter arseholes who inhabit this fucking island.
  11. It certainly sounds fairly Conservative - the round of applause when Dimbleby interrupted Thornbury case in point.
  12. Dimblebot has no time for Tobias He's fucking beeling with him
  13. Security reasons why Theresa May couldn't speak to old ladies who'd been burnt out of their homes !?
  14. Jeez - I don't think I'm one to just happy-clap the SNP but Sturgeon looked like she simply relished today's FMQs and, once again, easily dished out a nice big telt to 'One Trick' Davidson It was nice of Dugdale to stick to policy by criticising education but oh my fucking God imagine finishing up by claiming vote SNP get Tory - I was wincing in embarrassment for her - and of course she got an utter telt for her troubles Do we need an FMQs thread ?
  15. Only just caught up with the last one, Standout was Oakeshott, I get the impression she was holding back and yet she still came across as a crass, intolerant monstrosity. Worst audience for a while - Britain is full of bellends, I want folk to have a valid reason to think and vote differently to me - it seems most of them do so because they're bawbags. QT has the potential to be rather good for a while.
  16. FMQs could be interesting this Thursday given Ruth's just flip-flopped on Brexit yet a-fucking-gain ( I assume Nicola asks Ruth the questions this week given the Tories thrashed the SNP 13-35 !?)
  17. In relation to Ruth for PM, You can see why it's been suggested by some down South, on the face of it you'd have to assume that she's a competent politician, the reality of course is that she found a very niche 'policy' and used it in an arena where people (mostly mono-brows ) were willing to vote for it, add to that Labour actively encouraging folk to vote Tory and you've got a situation that was able to mask her actual attributes and her attributes are painfully poor - last weeks FMQs should vave been an absolute breeze for her as she could attack the FM for declaring the contents of a private call, and yet Sturgeon just handed her a great big f'ck off telt - it's the same every week - the opposition should be able to put the FM under pressure every single week and yet the FM always comes out looking the winner, We've also seen that she can't handle a grilling, her Woman's Hour interview was absolute car crash stuff ... and then there's the Channel 4 thing from the other day where she get's increasingly agitated at the line of questioning before just fucking off without answering. Did she not also give an interview where she said imigration to Scotland was to much, not enough and just right all at the same time ? She'd need to prove herself elsewhere before she'd seriously be considered for the role but oh the joy if they did just hand her the keys to No10. Glorious
  18. First Minister's Questions should be banned for being a blood sport (Or "Gardeners Question Time" as it was today ) Ruth confidently steps up to the plate and the FM simply bats her right out the park. A raging Dugdale gets telt to calm doon by the presiding officer before Nic delivers a swift and unforgiving coup de grace It's a joy to watch The others couldn't lace her boots.
  19. Because she'd have gained 7 seats by offering not one single fucking policy.
  20. I'm not calling someone out in a thread about that poor wee lassies body arriving in Barra, I'm just going vent my frustration by leaving it here It doesn't really matter who is Tweeting what there's nearly always an absolute roaster ready to reply with deplorable bile.
  21. Not seen the interview since I'm working, erm .. at work, but Kez has gone from a relatively good humoured lass (with shit politics) to a flailing bewildered perma-gawping simpleton - it's a sad turn around I'd still love to have a pint with her though
  22. Chaps, someone posted a link very recently to a link of SNP's achievements - I canny find it - could someone point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
  23. FMQs was jaw dropping today - from Kezia bringing up Nursie, Willie having a temper tantrum and then Peter Chapman asking about dementia ... I shit you not
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