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Posts posted by Widge

  1. For every 100 students at Napier about 4 of them are Scottish. I'll be fluent in Bulgarian by the time I graduate. That's if I don't pack it in.

    It's also fucking shite.

    Depends on your course, most of Merchiston is British fold, at least 80% of my course are Scottish.

  2. Lidl is a great shop. Sadly the nearest one to me is at the rough end of Leith, meaning I'll have to do the junkie obstacle course to get one.

    Granton is where it's at. :D

    I must say Lidl is a superb shop, especially it Christmas with the biscuits, but thier stocking of Italian foods is great, the range they supply never really disappoints.

  3. Sherlock shames everything else on TV. Outstanding stuff.

    Benedict Cumberbatch really does pish all over Robert Downey Jr at this game.

    TBF they are completely different characters, I don't think Downey Jnr plays Holmes badly, in fact he plays it well, just like he's been told to do.

    As for the episode itself, brilliant, I may, like others, don't particularly care for Moriarty, but hopefully if Shelock comes back (it bloody should), he's dead and out of the way or future plots.

  4. This all seems to be based on a (modest) cash balance with the bank in a set of accounts several years ago but we've lost nearly £600,000 over the past three seasons, so the notion we could afford to spend £200,000 on one player is deluded I'm afraid. Any Falkirk young player that is worth £200,000 is also, I'd suggest, capable of taking a bigger step up the ladder than a jump to St Johnstone. The guy El Allagui will likely do the same as Sandaza in the summer too and go where he'll make the most money. Safe to say that won't be St Johnstone. I'm sure there are maybe guys at Falkirk that might be within Saints' range but safe to say it won't be the most talented youngsters or a guy who appears too good for the First Division and already has a queue of admirers.

    See everyone is taking it like I said, we would bid 200k for them. I never once said that, we won't, I know this. I in fact agreed with you in saying they wouldn't choose us before other better teams.

    All I was saying is, I good season this year and we could possibly afford one largish fee, on the proviso we would sell him on, a bit like Davidson, of course I know we won't. I seem to be getting stick from this distressduck character for saying we could sign a Falkirk player, which he obviously thinks is absurd, because we are clearly a smaller team than the mighty bairns. :rolleyes:

  5. You've missed my point again, I responded to the person who said we couldn't afford it, I said yes we could bid 200k if we wanted too, but we wont. So actually you are arguing about something, which I have admitted we won't do, always helpful when you actually read the responses properly. :rolleyes:

    EDIT - for the record, we had a 6 figure sum accepted for Leigh Griffiths, who chose Wolves instead. ;)

  6. We all can bid sums of money but actually meaning it is another thing.....

    There is only one club in Scotland that would or can bid 200k plus and they wont.......

    I can see a 50k bid from St Johnstone for a Millar, Higgy, Farid, McGovern who are all out of contract come summer and fit the beneficial bill you mention as they are experienced enough to fit into first team football, but 200k you are having a laugh

    These youngsters are for the future, the Jan window is always used for quick fix or adding to compliment what you have, if we do lose one of these youngsters during this window, I fully expect them to be with us till May to finish off their learning curve....

    You're missing the point though, we almost certainly can bid 200k for a player, we just won't I know this, it was just me saying I would likeus to push the boat out a bit and take a chance, we could, that is all I was saying.

  7. what a load of pish..where are you getting this "big club" mentality from..you paid a lot for billy dodds many years ago...as we did with crunchie...apart from that your as bargain basement as the rest of us. it just so happens this is your turn to be in the big league. you will be back in the first division before too long & maybe it will be our turn to go up again. its cyclical amongst which diddy club is in the big league always has been

    It's not a big club mentality, it's all to do with the fact, we have a healthy bank balance with money to spend if needs be and you are desperate for cash, or certainly could do with some.

    At no point did I even mention the fact we would get them, they wouldn't join us, I know that, but what you have said is crap, if we wanted to we could easily pay 200k for a player if we so desired. So take that chip off your shoulder and learn to use capital letters. dry.gif

  8. If we really wanted to buy your players we could. If te chairman sees it as a good bit of business, he would sanction a fee, like I said I would hope we would push the boat out, but I doubt it.

    Possibly if we make Europe we might, it's quite nice to be financially sound with the ability to pay fees if it's worth it and good business.

  9. Pfft I got slippers as well this christmas. Oh yeah :D


    And the usual couple of books, CD, new jumper, smelly's, FM and a brand new PS3 with several games. Feels weird being up to date with the consoles again, been a while. I still have a few more to come though. It's quite nice considering I didn't ask for anything bar the PS3, so it's all a big guessing game for me.

    Oh and a winning scratchcard. :lol: Which I might use the winnings to buy the complete Star Wars bluray set.

  10. Until my DS packed in a month or so ago, I was battling online a lot. Capped at lv.50, it's intresting to see what teams everyone goes with.

    People go all out attack, all out defence and special attacks to boost power, etc.

    Think my best team was -





    With the likes of blastoise, charizard, dragonite, etc in reserve. In fact it think it had gotten to the point where I had a box of the 40 most powerful pokemon sitting at, at least lv.60. The only pokemon I would add to my team is a ryperior and once I fix the DS that's what I'm going for. That and the remaining 50 odd pokemon I need, oh aye and a shiny charizard.

  11. If it snow's I'm gonna be pissed, I have uni exams to get to and my driving test is also in december, so it better hold off, after about the 15th sure fire away God. dry.gif

    Well not quite the 15th, but enough to allow me to do the things mentioned, now I don't have to leave the house for 6 weeks.:D

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