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Posts posted by Widge

  1. I start 2nd year next week, however I can't access my timetable at all, it's severley pissing me off, cause I refuse to head into the campus just to get on the uni's computers.

    Anyway before it wouldn't allow me access, turns out after week 1, I am only in on a tuesday 9-6, lovely. However I have an option module to decide when I get in on Monday, probably go for something like Intro to Modern architecture, since it fits in with my course and I did the Contemporary one last year and it wasn't particularly hard, just a bunch of essays to do in my own time, with no lectures.

  2. Ahh well it's been rainin. In edinburgh for the past week or so. Tbh I have good days and bad days. My general driving if fine, it's just I make a silly error here and a wrong gear there. Managed to cut that out though, until today. :(

    Saying that I don't care what manoeuvre I get, cause I'll pass with any if them. It's how I acctually drive that's the key. If I make a mistake, I become really hesitant and usually en up making more.

  3. That sums up my lesson today :(

    Aye well I'm sure you didnt stall tryin to set of 3 times today. I was actually embarrased it was pathetic. Then to round it all of I hit 1st instead if 3rd. Fucking idiot I am. All I will say is thankfully that's the worst I have done in a long time. Cause I haven't stalled in weeks before today.

    But good luck, hope the weather clears up. Or maybe not because it gives you an excuse to drive slowly and more cautiously.

  4. Right I was dragged along to the inbetweeners movie today. Now I love the tv show, but I wasn't expecting a lot to be honey. However I was rather surprised at how enjoyable it was. It's basically an extended episode, full of disgusting stuff, hilarious faces and laughs. It is certainly been toned down in terms of language though. I won't even bother posting spoilers, but it is definately worth seeing, there are laughs every minute and the while cinema will be in hysterics at certain points.


  5. Now I know this doesn't quite follow the threads title, but a couple of my mates and I were pissing about in the swimming pool the other day, we were all seeing how far we could swim under water, he managed half of everyone elses, which we ridiculed him about. To which he responds -

    'It's not my fault i don't know how to breath under water'

    It's safe to say water level rose, due to the sheer amount of tears that were coming from me. Saying that he has a reputation for saying stupid things like that.

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