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Posts posted by Widge

  1. :o



    Only joking, add me if you can find me, actually bump it up to 5, Craigkillie added me, but that was after we played Killie 3 times this season.

    Were you at the game a few seasons back Widge when yous beat us 6-0 at Gayfield? That's the last time I can remember the two teams meeting.

    Pre-season friendly at the start of the season, wouldn't surprise me if we getg another this year.

  2. I only have the free Windows Security Essentials antivirus stuff at the moment. And safe mode doesn't work either, thought it would. And how do you do a system restore? I'll give it a shot as I've nothing else to try.

    Just type in system restore into the search bar in the start up menu. Is it allowing you to open other programmes and not the internet, or is it all programmes if that makes sense. I know the type of virus you mean, I have had them as well, system restore has always wroked for me, so if that doesnt work, I have no idea.

  3. I got a virus from E-set Antivirus Software (ironic I know) on my laptop so I want to uninstall it. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this? The only options I have found is to download something which uninstalls it but I can't do that because the virus is preventing me from using the Internet! :angry:

    What anti-virus software do you have and chances are it will work in safe mode, so thats probably your best option. Failing that try a system restore as a fairly last resort, since it deletes the files up to a certain point, but its almost garunteed to get rid of whatever you have.

  4. 4x440ml cans of ice cold Stella, then heading to pub for some Alpine Lager 4.5%Vol. Yum. Wont be sitting in the beer garden, I find the heat changes the flavour of lager.

    Alpine Lagers brilliant, its what they serve in my local and its only £2.10 a pint, it's brilliant stuff.

  5. My Standard Grade's begin today. Math's. I'm beyond rubbish at this subject and although I've studied, I'm absolutely shitting myself that I'll make an arse of it.

    Hope it's going well, tbh Maths is one of those subjects at standard grade that is fairly unpredictable, hoipe you got good questions.

    Anyway, second driving lesson for me today, looking forward to it.

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