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Posts posted by Widge

  1. In particular I am looking for Cyndaquil, Vullaby and Evans. I have five of every other starter :lol:

    I assume you mean ekans, in which case I had all 3 of them. Just hope you have stuff u need. My friend code is a couple of pages back and I will attempt to be in on at 9.30 if not sorry and we can try another time.

  2. Somewhere in the region of 450 caught. I'm just playing heartgold just now and transferring them across so there is plenty of digletts and other johto pokémon. If anyone has a Cyndaquil I would love one.

    Edit, I will be on around half 9 tonight.

    You are more than welcome to one of my

    many cyndaquilles, or any other starter for

    that matter.

    O and you are about the same as me, think I am on 493 seen and 452 caught, but I can easily bump both up by a good 10 or so when I start to breed things like sandslash.

  3. I can give you a diglett if you want ?

    Edit, I have a tauros as well if you want.

    How much have you done, cause did you not trade all the legedarues across.

    Oh and feel free to breed lots of digletts for everyone.

  4. Really, I managed to see s Doduo, Grimer and got them on GTS, managed to pick up lv. 1 Koffing on negotiations. Good luck with the Tauros, thats one which you will really struggle with, but bear in mind, if we are all in the same boat, it only needs one of us to find it and we are all quids in.

    Oh and IIRC there were only 4 people giving Voltorbs up and they all wanted lv. 100 pokemon, like Suicunes and Groudons, I mean WTF hows that ever going to happen.

  5. Everything else in generation 1 that's breedable. Quite a lot from Generation two, aipom, murkrow, pineco, teddiursa, corsola, skarmony, houndour, phanpy, smeargle, elekid, magby would seem the rare uns from gen 2.

    Yeah I got most of the, but could go for a Teddiursa, Houndour and maybe an other, we can see, if you agree to trade.

    Cant do it just now, had a drink and I dont have a clue where the DS is, but anytime tomorrow evening I am in and I can get them bred for you, if you so desire. I assume, you have found the people offering ekans, Voltorb and Drowzee, want rediculous trades. Oh and I havent even had a sniff of a Digglett, they are even rarerer on the ground then the legendary birds. If I can get one, you will be the first to know.

  6. Lads, anyone got Ekans, Diglett, Doduo, Grimer, Drowzee, Voltorb or Koffing?

    I've got every other generation 1 and 5(except legendaries and tentacool) and could do with them, will do dirty things.

    I have Grimer, Doduo and Koffing, also probably get you a Drowzee. What you got??

  7. Was going to have a session at the tennis courts today, in an attemp to try and get somewhere as good as I can be for the mens team which starts in a couple of weeks. Look out the window, fucking rain and blowing a gail. Now I have f**k all to do, unless I start driving lessons today, which frankly I can be arsed with.

    Oh well back to sleep it is.

  8. I'm pretty damn close to finishing it myself, I also realised that I need to trade with another 6 (other) people then I get another master ball smile.gif

    I still need to evolve rufflet, vullaby, gollet and one other that I can't remember then I'm good to go. What does Juniper give you once you've done the Unova one?

    Absolutely nothing and all the guy in the design office gives you, is a certificate for your room. I suppose its geared towards catching all 640 odd.

  9. From the Unova Pokedex, I just need: Swoobat, Leavanny, Zorua, Zoruark, Cryogonal, Braviary, Hydregion, Volcarona and Landorus (and the three Event Pokemon at the end).

    Those don't matter ATM just go and see professor juniper and she will say you have completed it anyway.

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