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Posts posted by Widge

  1. Yeah I have, and luckily for you I already have a bred skitty I think.

    Oh and in other news I have just wasted 1,000,000 on base stay levellers, so my 6 new pokemon are now maxed out. :lol:

    Oh and scizor evolves with a metal coat, all I need is to trade me scyther and rhydon over and get them back in thier evolve for.

  2. Forehead you do me a favour and trade me nidioking, nidoqueen, wiggilytuff and clefable to me, so I can get the dex entries, cause I'm out of moon stones, obviously you can get them back, you can had anything of mine I don't want, or just trade me legendaries over and back again. Let's you get the dex entry to find them on gts, unles you have them already.

  3. I may as well keep updating my news here.

    Discovered I dont like Spiritomb as a pokemon in my party, its far too slow for my liking and its health is atrocious. Decided, I dont need a ghost type, so I am going to try and get myself a Lucario, just cause its cooler and can learn a wider set of moves, probably have it learn - Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Dragon Pulse and either Earthquake or Psychic, but considering it is wak to fighting types, Psychic is probably better and because of its speed it will almost certainly get first hit against any fighting type.

  4. Sitting watching this now pretty impressed effects are good, it's not simply shoot and kill to survive. It's not really about the infected it's about the guy and his query to find his family, the so called zombies are merely a aide act IMO.

  5. Aye well once you beat the elite 4 you could probably use those pokemon, they would be slightly above the level im at. I may as well keep training though, but I will stop at lv. 70 unless someone gives me a shout.

    Did that even make sense??

  6. Yeah I know about garchomp, but I only really use dragon claw and earthquake, which with stab become ridiculously powerful and will near enough k.o anything in 1.

    Also after the old switch out at the elite 4, the new team are all about lv. 65. So if anyone fancies a wee battle just say.

  7. Turbo, I assume you just traded yours over?? Cause electivire can't learn ice punch in te new one.

    Right my team is as follows, I won't bother with levels cause I dot actually know.

    Infernape - flamethrower, close combat, acrobatics, grass knot

    Lanturn - thunderbolt, surf, Ice beam, take down

    Alakazam - psychic, shadow ball, psycho cut, recover

    Garchomp - dragon claw, earthquake, surf, crunch?? I think

    Electivire - thunderbolt, flamethrower, earthquake, brick break

    Spiritomb - hypnosis, dark pulse, shadow ball, dream eater

    Will give spiritomb psychic and hyper beam and probably give garchomp flamethrower instead of crunch. Opinions??

    I think it's alright actually, alakazam the one that's quite irritating.

  8. Yeah they are good, my infernape knows a ridiculous move set, it knows fire an fighting obviously, but it also learnt grass moves, quite surreal.

    Right my team can now be completed, I shall post up sometime tomorrow about levels and movesets.

  9. See when your porygon evolves into a porygon2, do you want it back before I add it to become a porygonZ. Or do you only want a porygonZ??

    Otherwise it's diglett(dubious disk) for electabuzz

    Shitemon for porygon(upgrade)

    Electivivire for porygon2(upgrade)


  10. My dugtrio is called Fexur. Also had a shiny Duskull called "SHINIE", thank god I traded that away!

    Jesus, I had some 10 year old girl call their piplup, chocolate oh and a ditto called changer, go all mighty.

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