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Posts posted by Widge

  1. Having a driving lesson, driving along at 30mph, I accidently miss third and go back into first, now of course the car doesnt like this and lurches froward for a few secomds. Now normally that would be alright, I am a learner after all mistakes will happen, albeit i am fairly embaressed I did that.

    Now thats not my PTTGOYN, oh no, as this is going on the bitch with the personalised number plate, who was virtually on my back bumper, even though I was doing the speed limit. Right as this happens, she has to slap on the breaks (not my fault, she should have kept her distance). As she does this, she starts going mental, blarring horn and everything, shaking her head. Now come on, I'm a fucking learner give me a break, I was doing nothing wrong, just a mistake, shouldn't have been so close. Best thing is, I know where this bitch lives, so she better watch out.

  2. Well I still await a response from Edinburghlivi to see if he wants to play. Oh and Gaz, most of us just play football together for a laugh and just enjoy playing, sure to win would be good, but we just like having some fun.

    This is all dependant on getting enough people.

  3. When I played, we weared strips (The Clyde 01/02 home kit to be precise), but it isn't compulsary. If you struggle to get the same colour then just wear bibs or something.

    Our team had 8 I think.

    I think have left it too late to organise strips, saying that I only have 4 or 5 atm, but then I have a few I could call on. Only problem is I may be the only P&B regular on the team.

    On that note actually, is there anyone on here with a set of kits we could borrow if I do get a team together??

  4. Question for those of you who have played the P&B 5's. How many is it recommended you have in a team, do you need strips, or just wear the same colour and most importantly what's the standard like??

    I know theres a dedicated section, but not many go in there.

  5. Went for a job interview today, or 'informal chat' as they call it. First off I did the proper thing, name hand shake, etc. Now I don't know if he was rude or just bored, but the guy doing the interview didn't even tell me his name. Now the talk lasted less than 5 minutes, apparently they were only looking fo management, well why did they ask me to come in then. :angry:

    Also at the end, he was so condesending, says he would give me a call about the part-time stuff and called me a 'good kid'. Now if he had been a bit nicer it would of been alright, but I felt like he had completely disregarded me and sort of wasted my time.

    Albeit he did say only 10 people would get a call back (sso I'm doubtful) from 100, but ended with only 1% of the people getting a job, basic maths skills. :huh:

    Sorry rant over, I was just a bit pissed off.

  6. Indeed. I'm not saying its just Murray that does this. Hwever it's his sarcasm and his woe-is-me attitude that's possibly holding him back. Somebody mentioned earlier he maybe needs a coach that will inject the belief into him and get him to think 'f**k it, that points gone, I'll forget about it'. His bad shots seem to play on his mind a lot more visually than the other players.

    The Federer-Djokovic family spat video is quality.

    Indeed, the right coach would do wonders for him, its the fact he thinks the whole world is against him all the time, it's frustrating for everybody who follows him as well.

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