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Posts posted by Widge

  1. My first ever uni exam is on friday and I've already resigned myself to failure. Great start.

    Mines tomorrow and I know the feeling, albiet the lecturers all said they don't expect good marks, since its the first exam we've done in years, so a pass is a pass in my books atm. :lol:

  2. First exam on monday, thanks to the coursework, I've got at least a quarter of the marks available for the module. Meaning I don't have to do brilliantly to pass it (30% in the actual exam will be enough). However I haven't done nearly enough work for it and tbh I am going out today and Saturday, so it's going to be a case of nailing the it on Sunday and Monday morning. But the lecturer has sort of hinted at what should be revised which is always helpful.

    Then 2nd and final exam on Thursday, of which I'll have 2 full days to revise for it, so that shouldn't be too bad, need even less to get a good mark in that exam. Which is nice.

  3. So exams are in less than a week, oh joy. dry.gif

    However, one of the modules, I got 85% for my coursework, which means I only need 54% from my exam to get myself an A, which tbh is a massive weight off my chest, knowing I can balls the exam up and still get a good mark regardless.

    Shame I aint confident of my second coursework, in fact, I'm fairly sure I'll fail it, so I'll have to re-submit, however the exam is weighted at 60% of the modules overall mark and I'm quite comfortable with that subject, so I expect to do well in that exam, so hopefully that will boost my mark.

    Other than that, my only other gripe is the fact I need to re-locate to Sighthill to do my exams. :angry: Ones ar 9.30, the pther at 5.30, fucking rush hour.

  4. Or postponed at short notice like last year after folk had done all the studying for them, which then had to be done again over the summer.

    Snow fucks everything up. Anyone looking forward to it obviously has absolutely nothing to do in their lives.

    I was lucky last in that I didn't have exams. TBH I think this year will probably be alright, I finish my exams in less than a fortnight and I don't think the snow will start with enough force any time soon to disrupt anyhting. Hopefully.dry.gif

  5. Was back at Brewdog this evening :lol:

    Pint of Zeitgeist black lager. Sounds bizzare but really very nice.

    Also a bottle of Alice Porter which was nice too.

    Can also say that the food is excellent. Not a huge choice (essentially burgers, pizzas and cheese boards) but we had a Nachos Pizza which sounded peculiar in theory but was tremendous.

    Aye Brewdog is superb, especially the food, christ even the crisps are superb. Pint out of there is refreshing as hell, plus it's fairly cheap in the supermarkets, but not as good.

  6. Currently people on my Facebook are raiding 4chan for horrific images and posting it on their walls. Also the name Sharon O Brien keeps cropping up, I thought it was someone local but people in the uni library were all talking about it.

    Yeah I heard about this, the only common theme on mines was the mention of 3 banana's take from that what you will.:ph34r:

    Also my friends aren't crude, so I have seen no images whatsoever, just the name mentioned a few times.

  7. Just got an email about the University Challenge trials for my uni. While going along would make me a massive nerd, going on University Challenge would be outrageously cool. If only to meet Paxman and punch him in his obnoxious, Scotland-hating pus.

    I thought about going along to Napier's trial, pretty sure they've never made the actual show. :lol: :lol:

    I actually love UC, it's brilliant especially sitting with others and it's only you that answer any of the questions.

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