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Posts posted by Widge

  1. I have a 1,500 word report to do for tomorrow. I've spent the last three hours attempting to start it but I've only managed 300 words. I have no motivation to do it whatsoever and I'm spending my time on StumbleUpon instead.

    I do the same thing, I always tell myself to be motivated, but it never happens, just as well I always try and get it in the day before no matter what.

  2. Ferrers through as is Nishikori. Looks like Lopez is going to beat Mayer with ease and Murrays on after this.

    So it should be -

    Murray - Nishikori

    Lopez - Ferrer

    All of whom Andy should beat easily. Actually Nishikori did really well to beat Dolgopolov with as much ease as he did, really played well, but he doesn't have nearly enough weapons to beat Murray. As for the other semi, if it does pan out the way I expect it will be quite a close one I imagine, chances are Ferrer will win. But Murray thumped him a couple of weeks ago and Lopez has never caused him trouble. If Murray doesn't win Shanghai I will be very, very surprised and he should be the player to beat come the end of season showdown in London.

  3. :D

    If it wasn't for engineers then you wouldn't have a building to host your university here. I hope everytime it's absolutely pishing it down you thank yourself that you're indoors thanks to us smile.gif

    Aye and who worked out how much it cost and made sure it was built properly, aye surveyors, so the rain theory applies to us too.

  4. Well I have two essays and a multiple-thousand word dissertation to write up in the next six weeks, so cry me a fucking river.

    Diddums, cost estimate plan for a brand new office block, multiple thousand word investigation report and 3 essays in the next six weeks, so cry me a fucking river. dry.gif

  5. Anyone else pissed off with courseworks atm, or is it just me??

    Don't get me wrong what I'm doing is really intresting and dare I say quite fun at the same time, but it is taking a shit load of time to even complete a fraction of it and its due in 6 weeks, along with another not so intresting coursework. dry.gif Don't get me wrong, I knew what was coming, I'm just frustrated at how long it's taking me.

  6. Apparently they're saying that 2 for 1 deals on beer stop tomorrow.

    Go and restack up on the supply? :unsure:

    The supermarkets are finding clever ways around it, so I wouldn't worry too much.

    They are basically offering the beer at the same price but halved for 1 crate. So 2 for a tenner becomes 1 crate for a fiver.

  7. Awk sad.gif

    Put in for it straight away. Best thing to do. You're clearly ready for your test or your

    instructor wouldn't have told you to put in for


    What did you fail on?

    Yeah its already booked or November.

    Oh an I didn't slow down quick enough going from a 40 to a 30 an i drifted slightly Ono another lane on a roundabout, which I was about to correct before he grabbed the wheel, so I thought that wa ridiculously harsh. As was the slowing down, didnt want to brake too sharply.

    Anyway I was never going to pass, I was just too nervous I reckon, but now there is no element of surprise to it, I should pass next time.

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