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Posts posted by Widge

  1. Finally got a Tornadus! Not without the Wifi's best attempt to thwart it though. Was gonna get one yesterday for Cryogonal, Boldore and Sawk but the guy kept getting a communication error and I just finished trading with someone who was having problems. Got it for a Heatran(had two anyway and I think the one I gave him might've been hacked)

    I assume you still have Thundurus, I got rid of mine for a Landurus and had a real struggle getting the final Tornodus, took ages.

    Up to 420 caughtor something, so going well, I reckon I can get to 500 easily enough, by breeding, evolving and using GTS for the lesser pokemon, things like I got a grimer, for a tuirtuoga. Its going to get a hell of a lot harder from there on in, cause you cant breed legendaries and things liek Zapdos, Moltres and Artiguno are thin on the ground, I have only seem Moltres (twice) in negotiations, but I think the guy was just showing off and got suitibly annoyed when I ousted him with Ho-Oh, Mewtwo and a lv. 100 Landurus.

    Also finally managed to get a complete starter evolved set, all to at least lv. 50 or more, soe of tehm are shite mind, the likes of Meganium, Swampert and Sarumott are all terrible. Funnily enough, I found all of teh best ones are fire types, they all learn better moves and are generally just better ll round. With teh likes of Empoeon and Blastoise, you have to teach them better moves and the less thats said about teh grass starters the better.

  2. I still have law work to do and frankly I cannae be arsed, oh well better hope I can get my brain to function well at 9 tomorrow, cause I will have 3 hours before my economics tests.

    On the plus side I finish for the summer tomorrowa, as I have no exams at all and we have finished our courseworks early. Happy days.

  3. Was worth a shot, it'll be a rare one if no one has traded a Sudowoodo over rolleyes.gif

    I can get a sudowoodo in GTS. Oh and the way you said it, it was at that point, I no longer wanted to be in a virtual room with you, alone. :P

  4. I would take an egg, I trust you.

    I just found out something yesterday, not sure if it's very common knowledge, but if you have a pokemon with either flame body or magma armour(both abilities) in your party then eggs hatch faster.

    I would problem is, I am not sure if it is a pidgey, I think it is, but I want to check, if not I will be a bit longer.

    EDIT - It wasnt, but I now have an egg, which I know is a pidgey.

  5. Forehead what is your dex caught up to?? Oh and do you have a Chicorita?? cause that would really help me out.

    And can I ask why you were trading for sandlash and rapidash, when they are already in the game?

  6. Sucker Punch (2011)

    I thought this was going to be poor, and it was shite to begin with, but when it got started I thought it was really good. It was a little hard to follow at times but realisation hit

    after the first fight scene. The soundtrack was

    ace, and watching slightly older girls than

    me, the majority of them stunning, not

    wearing a lot of clothes fighting was amazing.



    I'm unsure whether I want to give it more, but

    I think I'll stick with eight.

    Thats the primary reason I want to go and

    see it. But seriously take out the fighting is it any good, because the story seems vaguely farfetched.

  7. I know how dissapppinting. Haven't played for a while, but currently just trying to get all of the ledgendaries via trade and get lv, 100 final starte evolved forms. Currenty I have lv. 50 charizard, venusaur, blastoise, typhlosion, feralogator, blaiziken, swampert, sceptile, infernape, empoleon, torttera, emboar, sarumott, serperior. So only need 1 more starter for me to manage a complete set.

    Also on the ledgenadry front I have in my pokedex.

    Zekrom, reshiram, thundurus, tornadus, landarus, the 3 fighting trio, so all so far from black.

    Plus mewtwo, uxie, azelf, ho-oh, groudon, kyorge, razquelle. Sure there are others.

    Oh and my only shiny is a gallade.

  8. :lol: Oh Ad Lib its not going to be as easy as you make it out to be, they all know moves which work super effective against their weakest opponent. For example Reniclus knows flamethrower IIRC and will wipe out your Simisage easily, as for teh others you are under estimating them vastly, there is no way your unfeasant will take out all 4 fighting types and even with Simisages acrobatics, it will be tough. Oh aye and as for Sigilph its going to be quicker than Zebstrika and chances are with Zebstikas awful defence it may only take one hit so have another plan.

    As for after the E4, if you make it that far, its doubly tough what you come up against, always has a move you are weak to, oh and a quick hint get an Ice move, otherwise you will face a Hydregien with literally no way of stopping it, unless you get pretty lucky, but you need to kill it quickly or it will just keep getting healed fully.

    Anyway advice over, good luck I wish you well, but dont blame me if it all goes tits up.

  9. I always have my water type know Hydro Pump and Surf or my fire type Fire Blast and Flamethrower. Because if you're taking the E4 then you might not have PP restoring items so need all the fire you can get.

    I have never done that at all, but his Unfeazant knows 3 flying moves adn a weak normal, its going to be incredibly useless against almost all types it comes up against.

  10. I never see the point in having more than 1 move of the same type. For instance what is the point of emboar knowing flame charge and flamethrower, teach it a different move. Mines knows flamethrower, arm thrust, poison jab and rock trow. Same with seismitoad, there's no point in having surf and muddy water.

    You will need a decent 6th I recommend trying to catch a dieno and train it up get some dragon moves in there. As for the rest of your team, unfeazant will be useless against all but te fighting type, and you have nothing to hurt te ghost and physicic with, let alone what comes after. I may be wrong, but with that team even at lv.60 you will struggle IMHO.

  11. Sitting here with 3000 words to right about on law, for Monday and I dont have a fucking clue about any of it, some serious work tomorrow morning and Sunday will be required to get it done, that and I have an economics test on Monday as well, which unless I do some studying for, I will fail.

    WTF does law and economics really have to do with building surveying anyway?? dry.gif

  12. Fear not guys. I'm waiting on my sister giving me a loan of her DS so that I can transfer the Pokemon from White over to my cartridge. Once I have a full Unova Pokedex I'll be able to do whatever swapsies folk need.

    Pffft, you mean you havent completed the dex yet. :P

    TBH to say I am pleased i a very accurate statement.

  13. Can't get the 3 of them yet though, so techniqually I have completed it for now. Anyway you're just jealous :P

    Oh aye and I have all 6 pseudo-legendary pokemon, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

  14. I have managed it, all 153 pokemon in the uneovo dex caught. :lol: traded my thundurus for a guy tornadus.

    Also managed to obtain a gourdon and a razyquale??? For a reshiram and a spiritomb. They are really good for trading, people always seem to want them once you show them it.

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