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Everything posted by Jambo'ness

  1. “Without Rangers, there is social unrest and a big problem for Scottish society,” claimed Regan. “They have a huge fan base and to contemplate the situation where those fans don’t have a team to support, where those fans are effectively left without a game to follow, I just think that could lead to all sorts of issues, all sorts of problems for the game. “Tribalism in football is really important. It is part of the game. People follow their clubs with pride, it is passed down from generation to generation. There are thousands of Rangers fans whose fathers and parents and grandfathers have been Rangers fans. You can’t contemplate a situation without that and if Rangers weren’t to exist that could have real dire consequences. I am absolutely disgusted by Regan's comments. He really should have a case to answer with the police, because if this is not a threat what is? he is inciting unrest, giving credence to any bears who may have considered it but thought better of it. The clubs should unite and demand the resignation of Regan now!
  2. Maybe a simplistic take on it but if they are willing to apologise at all for past wrongdoings, then we finally have an admission from them. Because all along, we've had the "EBT's weren't/aren't illegal" line fed to us by desperate bears. Now, as armageddon approaches, they wish to take the 'last rites' (sic) but only if their life-support isn't switched off. It would be laughable if not a reality.
  3. Truly the next days fish and chip wrappers. Only thing is, I wouldn't want my fish supper reeking of shite!
  4. Surely Burley has no idea of the meaning of the word 'ironic', if he's calling the fans "muppets" He's had a few years where his 'bete-noire' has been Hearts. Despite a clear conflict of interest, due to the sacking of Georgie boy, he has spouted shite for over 5 years now. Faced with one cheek disappearing (and with it his job?) he has reacted in much the same way as the "muppets" that follow der hvns. Craig, please realise that the end of the world is not nigh and sevcos participation is not required. A bit like your media position.
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