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Everything posted by Jambo'ness

  1. Well if you're bandying stats, care to comment on a couple of attendances in 81/2. 3000 at home to Airdrie in March, 4500 at home to St Mirren in May. Rangers fans don't do walking in.
  2. I've resigned myself to the fact that these cnuts will wriggle off the hook and take up their 'rightful' place in next years SPL, whichever bunch of crooks buys them. However, I hold on to one mere morsel of hope and that is Vladimir Romanov You could argue that Hearts are in a position not far from Rangers but at least each push has made them pay their tax. I am hoping that dear Vlad is keeping his powder dry, unlike Thompson & Yorkston who, though legitimately, chased small sums. Hearts on the other hand are owed £800k. Now we all know that several of the gers players are going to earn tidy little transfers in the summer but who will replace them? I am hopeful that Vlad would put the case for a transfer embargo, as however this pans out other SPL clubs will be monetarily affected thus impingeing on their ability to sign new players and field a competitive team. If say, they got away with 10p in the pound, Hearts would receive £80k. How could they re-invest that? Meanwhile, der kaiser's X1, get a cash injection from a new owner and merrily go on their way. I remember Hearts having an embargo placed on them after they signed Willie Pettigrew & Derek Addison in the early 80's, so there is a precedent.
  3. "I think the fans at least know what they are getting into and this, at the end of the day, appears to be supported by a broad universe of the Rangers fans and that's really important. What the fcuk is a broad universe?
  4. Certainly not complaining about the pic but when did a Swedish bid go in?
  5. I've seen David Murray move quicker than them Sorry, a cheap shot but I couldn't resist.
  6. Duff & Phelps winning the prize for p***kteasers supreme in administration circles, perhaps?
  7. For some reason, my profile was wiped in the site update.....To sum up, I am a relatively new devotee of the junior game having watched Hearts everywhere for around 35 years. Therein lay the problem, I was feeling stale withe repetitiveness and costs of the senior game. Moving to Bo'ness lit a spark again and I have been watching the BU's for over 3 years and love visiting a host of ...

  8. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Paul Wilson yet.
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ted/default.stm Leeds continue their love for Aussies and sign the one player better sticking to their own 'rules' game back home. Must be preparing for someone good to leave....
  10. What I can't understand is why Newcastle agreed to host this in the first place. Usually, sides from a lower league play at home, if only to draw a crowd. It makes as much sense as Aberdeen hosting Ross County up here. Of course, there is the nutter fest to take into account
  11. Getting really fed up on a daily basis as I near Haymarket station. A funnelled approach to the entrance due to those damned tram works, means you are an easy target for the pillocks trying to foist the Edinburgh edithion of the Daily Record on you. I don't want it and wouldn't wipe my arse with it....well hold fire on that comment, you never know. Anyway, they are difficult to swat away as you (mistakenly) rush for the train (which is usually late).
  12. Colin Bateman I Predict A Riot Any man that can write a comedy thriller around poisoned carrot-cake has to be revered. The man is a genius. Whenever I read a book of his I get more funny looks than usual on the train, for my laughing.
  13. Wow! How to follow that We can all rant about shiteholes, I've done it myself. But in truth, every place has its shitey parts. There are scummy people in even the most posh areas. However, I've tried to compile a fair and unbiased list of the most unappetising areas I've visited/stayed. 1. FIFE - Not even going to narrow it down to a specific town. It's not so much the places as the people. Darwin's theory would be blown out of the water if scientists ever visited Fife. 2. NIDDRIE - An Edinburgh suburb I was unfortunate enough to live in for ten years. I should have just killed the (ex)wife and been out sooner. It is a junkie paradise and a perfect base for a family to start interbreeding. 3. MARYHILL - First place I'd ever seen a fight break out between adult families in a McDonalds. 4. WICK - Dead. Need I say more. 5. IRVINE - A hard job to pick the worst of the Ayrshire towns. All of which seem to veer on the Fife mentality. I wish Billy Connolly's "Tour of Scotland" tv series had visited the real dumps but I suppose Visit Scotland would have been dismayed.
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