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Posts posted by shizzlemanizzle

  1. I go to Crete on Thursday and was planning to take 6 Scotland strips as part of my wardrobe. So that’s not happening now. I’d end up chinning some smart arse Englishman and I’m far too pretty to end up in a Greek jail. About to go shopping and I hate shopping. I blame Clarke for this, ergo, Clarke out. Silverburn is a hellhole for degenerates.

  2. On 20/06/2024 at 16:22, BFTD said:

    Just occurred to me that I've only seen Scotland win one game at a tournament - Switzerland in 1996.

    • too young in 78/82
    • no idea what I was doing for Sweden in 1990 - probably dragged away from the TV by family, as I watched most of that World Cup
    • stuck in the middle of a forest on a school trip for the CIS in 1992 - didn't even know the Danes had won the whole thing until I got home

    That's yer lot  :(

    Is your name Jay Slater by any chance? If it is, your mums looking for you.

  3. I was practically suicidal on Friday night. Wanted nothing more to do with euros. Stupid game played by stupid people for the benefit of idiots willing to watch them. However. It’s game day and I can’t wait for kick off. We are going to right wrongs. We are going to announce ourselves as true world class. Can’t see a way that we don’t win the whole thing. Get intae these toblerone munching, fence sitting mountain botherers!

    Also, isn’t beer just  brilliant.

  4. 15 minutes ago, microdave said:

    I don't go to the toilet during a game specifically so I don't miss a goal. I do sometimes miss them by not leaving the pub early enough. Our group's motto is that kick offs are overrated. I also check the forecast before hanging a washing out since I can't be arsed running out to bring it in. Obi Wan Kenobi will tell you that I'm not the scapegoat you're looking for.

    Sake. You could have just lied.

  5. 2 hours ago, AUFC 1910 said:

    Good luck to him - great when hot - missing when cold

    Usually I’ll wish good luck to a player moving on but, not so much when they move on to a team we will be in direct competition with. I hope he has a terrible season. I’ve been burned by former players coming back to haunt us. Dreading the day Bangala “the ghost” comes back to haunt us. Sorry @Richey Edwards.

  6. On 16/06/2024 at 12:36, microdave said:

    After touching down back in bonnie Scotland late last night, I am now one of the home guard. Had a blast in Munich but now looking forward to watching our next two games in my local.

    Please tell me you are a walking talking jinx. Stuff like, every time you go to the toilet or to get a pie at a game you miss a goal. Or every time you hang washing out it rains. I’m looking for a scapegoat for Friday night and I’m hoping it’s you.

  7. I trust SSC but Gilmour would be in my starting 11. As press resistant as we have and not spectacularly efficient in a ‘super sub’ role. Christie is like a dog chasing a ball (in a good way) but I’m not sure we are high pressing here and would be really effective against a tiring German team. So very much hope I’m wrong.

  8. On 13/06/2024 at 13:39, Alert Mongoose said:

    I'm going to set up a 'tinderesque' dating app specifically for P&B wives who are lonely on account of their partner buggering off to Germany.

    I’m not even in Germany but my wife is interested. If it keeps her out of my hair for the night I’m ok with it. Just to manage her future expectations can you pair her up with someone who is not ‘long in the shower’?

  9. 7 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

    Like Craig Gordon, I don't believe in international retirement. I'm 63, was always rubbish, but if Stevie Clarke picks me, I'll give my last breath for the national team.

    Phone's quiet, but.

    At 63 it could be your hearing has gone. Just randomly pick up your phone because you just never know.

  10. 3 minutes ago, velo army said:

    I'm 41 and I'm not yet unavailable for selection. I choose to believe that Clarke has scouts at Goals in Aberdeen.

    Oh there are definitely scouts at goals in Aberdeen. They’re working on their fitness badge.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    Feck it, I'll be at work for the next five hours or so but it's about time to crank up the Scottish tunes on a Playlist and start setting the mood.

    I'm actually gutted now not to be in Munich tonight. Being in Amsterdam and Faro the last two months has really re-ignited the away game passion in me after a 20 year gap. Can't wait till next Friday to set off for Stuttgart. Please Scotland just stay in the tournament long enough for it to properly matter...................🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🙂

    Stick this on your playlist. On first listening, yes, it’s not great but the more you listen to it the more “layers” you realise it has. I believe Beethoven was initially unappreciated….


  12. 40 minutes ago, allyo said:

    A couple of generations of Scottish footballers are looking on today wishing it could have been them. Something to be enjoyed.

    I include myself in this bracket. Granted, I haven’t played competitive football since I was 14 but my point stands. It could have been me.

  13. 6 minutes ago, superwell87 said:

    Mine started doing that a few minutes ago when I put the tins in.

    Weird isn’t it. If it’s got too annoying I’ve found that you can stop the noise for around 20 mins if you take a can out of the fridge.

  14. 1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

    Watching in the house with Mrs Granny.  A bottle of Rioja to hand and hoping that the VPN doesn’t f**k up as it does on occassion.

    That’s not how you spell viagra mate.

  15. 17 minutes ago, shizzlemanizzle said:

    Haud on, is this allowed? Your either homeguard or on manoeuvre's surely.

    Fine you can stay till next week but then it’s gtf.


    4 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    Watching tomorrow's game at the East End Park fanzone, which is now sold out. Will be interesting to see how it goes.

    Will be in Germany next week for the Switzerland game (no tickets sadly, so most likely a fan park).

    Will be home for the Hungary game. Considering the Riverside Fan Park in Dundee but they're refusing to release drinks prices, even though the first one is tomorrow, which makes me think said prices will be ludicrous. Will see what folk are saying about it after tomorrow. Otherwise I suppose I'll try a pub for it.

    Not another one. Right you’re in here till next week then it’s gtf. And you don’t get back in for the Hungary game. You only get into the homeguard once..


  16. 41 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    Well heading to Stuttgart next weekend but a 'Home Guardsman' for the first two. Decisions still to be made about how I'm going to watch them.

    Tomorrow night depends to an extent on my boy. He's not sure if he's going to watch it with his mates or with me. If he wants to watch with me we'll watch it at home. If he's not coming I'll probably go to the pub. I don't generally like watching football I actually care about in the pub as you never see it as well but I've got a chance to watch it on a big screen with a decent atmosphere on a Friday night so will probably go.

    Swiss game will depend on work commitments. I'll not even be back in Dumfries till about 6pm and am likely to have at least an hour's work to deal with. I may end up watching the first half in the office, though I'll try to avoid that if I can as it's via the internet and will have a few seconds time delay. Long enough for phones to start buzzing etc if anything actually does happen. I'll probably not go to the pub for it even if I've time. Home in front of the big telly there if I can.

    Haud on, is this allowed? Your either homeguard or on manoeuvre's surely.

    Fine you can stay till next week but then it’s gtf.

  17. 1 hour ago, Tartan Dave said:

    Eurostar from London - paris this morning. Now on train to stuttgart before heading to Munich to see Acdc tonight. On that note... have a spare ticket if anyone fancies it. Fv is 150 euros but i'll sell at 100 

    I’ll let McCoist know.


  18. 2 hours ago, Groundhopping Adventures said:

    Anyone need their bin put out? I'm on the only b*****d no going

    Naw yer no. I hear ‘big Dunc’ is going. Fancy a bit of house breaking? I’ll drive if you do snacks. I’ll need to be home at a decent time mind.

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