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Everything posted by shizzlemanizzle

  1. I tried to be nice. Gloves are off mf! f**k Raith. @ryanayr1987 not apologising this time.
  2. To all the ‘glass half’ empty rovers fans. Ffs! To the majority of rovers fans, can’t wait to beat you on Saturday but what a season youve had. After we beat you on Saturday you can still win the league. If not, you are in the semi final playoffs. To the glass half emptys, fancy swapping positions with Ayr? Thought not.
  3. Right, I’m retiring and leaving it to you from now on. The intellectual property is yours and I had no right to do it in the first place. Apologies all round, I’m an amateur playing in a world I don’t belong in.
  4. Apologies. Alcohol was consumed. Won’t happen again. The “f**k” bit that is. Alcohol will happen again.
  5. f**k Raith Rovers. @ryanayr1987 made me say that. Did I do it right Ryan?
  6. I’d say there’s no time like the present to start preparing for the playoffs. I’d be resting your entire first 11 and going with your youth team on Saturday. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.
  7. Colorado? Go easy Mr Shotgun. Concealed carry and all that….
  8. Wait, a ‘gammon’ anti liberal airdrie fan with a problem with a fan calling out his fellow fans for unnecessary wanky behaviour? Laurence? Fox? Is that you?
  9. Morten fans (on the whole) are c***s. Morten fans dislike Falkirk,!hence, I approve of your promotion and am looking forward to the “snake” derby next season. Congratulations, enjoy your night.
  10. How are you still going mate. Kudos. Truly impressive. Do yourself a favour. Put the alcohol/drugs/turps away and get to your bed. Your football team got beaten. In the scheme of things it’s not nearly as important as you seem to think it is. Tomorrow is another day.
  11. Anyone contemplating breaking into big Duncan Ferguson’s Inverness abode between has an ever diminishing window. Tick tock.
  12. No, don’t go to bed mate. A bit like Ayr with airdrie/onians/bank/United, I’ve got you on strings here. What’s your thoughts on people who wear double denim and have you ever met Tommy Robinson?
  13. I can see you’re still celebrating. Don’t want to come across as the grammar police but when you’ve sobered up or came down, there’s usually a space after a coma and no space before an exclamation mark. Congratulations on your cup win.
  14. Ocht here, you’re hurting. I’m going to back away. Try to enjoy the rest of your Easter weekend mate. Maybe phone your dealer and make life seem ok again for a few hours.
  15. Unbroken history of 114 years. How old is Clydebank? Oops, Airdrie? Sorry, airdrie United? Oaft, sorry airdrieonians? Oh shit, sorry, I’m not sure what you are called this week.
  16. So, the Tories are fucked and they are all scrambling about for relevance and sources of income. It was either come back to Ayr or join Reform UK.
  17. Airdrie are a horrible plastic club and that tackle was horrifically dangerous but right on brand. Clydebank will be turning in their grave. If I could have picked a championship team to get 12 points from 12 this season it would have been airdrie. “Same my name bitch”.
  18. Regardless of the result, I’m fair looking forward to those butchers aprons in the airdrie end getting wrapped up and getting the f**k out of Somerset park.
  19. Sorry, I feel like I’ve disappointed you. I’d take a link to your Onlyfans…
  20. It was daddy’s magic juices that made him miss the goals. If that’s what it takes for Ayr to score then I think we’d all like to see some more of daddy’s magic juices. No pics please.
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