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Everything posted by elvis

  1. St Mirren will not score . St Mirren will concede.At least 2.
  2. I never thought this would work out.Its a bit like this forum so many people having different opinions as to how things should be getting done and you end up with a situation just like described in the article .in my opinion someone should try and buy the SMISA shares if there not willing to let the board get on with it they will bring the club down with there pettiness as we now have two lots wanting to go in different directions I know what lot I would go with.
  3. The next five games could really f**k us up 4 away and the mighty Aberdeen in Paisley that could see zero points and a seriously bad goals against colum.
  4. Might help if he gets a game and we can get out our own half to get the ball to him.
  5. It's the amount of space we give teams to basically do what the hell they want how he can't see that baffles me we make teams look better than they really are he goes on about the amount of goals we are losing.What does he expect to happen .As I say absolutely baffling.
  6. I agree but will he mix it up listening to his interview doesn't sound like it.
  7. Think that's first time the Johnnie's have won 3 in a row in about ten years what's the bets it will be 4 come Wednesday night.
  8. Looks like I'm right again expect another one for them .
  9. What you laughing at I never said we wouldn't score before they will.
  10. Look at the fucking space there getting fucking awfull a matter of time before there second.
  11. I think the point is wether it was kibble or SMISA it is totally unprofessional these people are representing the club why the hell can nothing ever go smoothly with our club there's always something or someone ready to f**k things up .
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