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Everything posted by elvis

  1. There must be a mind set among the players because they do this in practically every game they have a lead in its as if they get stage fright and sit back so deep they invite the opposition to score its absolutely crazy and not good for fans having palpitations in the stands.
  2. We sit right at the side of w1 ourselves and everyone around us were adament it was well over the line we were in disbelief when it wasn't allowed .
  3. As much as yous were on top in the second half yous created f**k all .how the f**k your manager thinks you could have got the 3 points is baffling.
  4. Does anyone know for absolute certain that this is the figure or is it just a number that's been plucked out the thin air.
  5. Don't know about anyone else but I thought Dundee played very well in the cup game last season taking us to penalties can see a much tougher game this time the boy McCowan could terrorise our defence if we start sitting back which we seem to have a habit of doing for some reason.
  6. Doesn't make me miserable but I'm not dumd enough to think we are going to win every game we play like some folk on here I give an honest opinion like the one above if it upsets the happy clappers to bad if I get proved wrong then fantastic it means we have got a result and like all fans I will be absolutely delighted.
  7. Where do I say I want them to lose.Expecting them to lose and wanting them to is two different things and if you think i want them to lose your nuts.
  8. You do know our manager has never won an opening league game anywhere in his managerial career.
  9. Unbelievable we must be the only league in the world where the title is won after 1 game.
  10. If you can show me when I have said that before I will be genuinely surprised .
  11. Hes a goal keeper for Christsake he doesn't need to be match fit he just needs to be mentally ready he's been training for weeks.
  12. I'm sorry but that's my opinion I would love to be proved wrong and we end up having a great season but away from home we were and still are terrible and the 2 boys upfront won't cut it either once they come up against premier opposition they will be found to be wanting big time .
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