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Busta Nut

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Posts posted by Busta Nut

  1. Just now, welldaft said:

    I see a few comments about a new Manager come the summer.

    That imho will only happen if we get relegated.

    Stay up in 10th or via the play offs and I see SK in charge for next season. We have spend the last 24 hours discussing how much our budget has been cut back due to mistakes and overspending in previous seasons.

    If SK keeps us up this season he should stay in post. And no I am not related to him 😉.

    This all depends on how things move at board level.

    The current Chair and CEO don't want the hassle of replacing anyone bar themselves. 
    If it drags on I reckon they autorenew SK regardless.

    New folk?? I dunno. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, deadasdillinger said:

    I feel for your missus if this is how early you shoot your load. 

    Now, apparently we are signing a striker called Kevin Van Veen. One of your favourite ever players apparently, Well fans. Odd one as we don't really need attackers, but suppose he can come in and fight for a place. 

    Blows the bullshit budget wage thing a Killie fan was talking about right out the water

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