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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. dagenham! (so far) doon already!
  2. ta man. i'll look into it!

  3. i thought they were all boggin I love the old geezer withthe blue wicked!
  4. Xx AwRiTe MaN! hOw'S tRiCkS?

    nOt HeArD fAe Ye In AgEs MaN. hAvE yE jUsT bEeN hAnGiNg AbOuT dOwN tHe StReEt An' ThAt MaN?



  5. I Need A Doctor

    1. Sweet Pete

      Sweet Pete

      Because you bust-a nut?

    2. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      on my pillow

    3. drs
  6. hey you! I don't give you reds.

    I widnae waste ma time. I save ma red each day for some mug like beetroot who post inane drivel.

  7. Hmm an auto graph!

    what you doing at the weekend?

    bottle of thunderbird then hang about outside a McDonalds?

  8. have you ever been on a scooter while and owl hoots?

  9. you huv changed yer photae!

  10. a crisp poke will suffice scotty.

    as long as it's not a packet of salt 'n' vinegar, that's too nippy

  11. what's happening on sky sports the day?

  12. how's yer da doing?

  13. hiya scotty.

    that celtic burd was a bit harsh refusing yer advances

  14. Happy Burfday man,

    What did ye get? a Bottle of mad dog and 20 mayfair?

  15. it is fun but she isnae online anymore

  16. ye didnae tell me whit ned you were.

    friends are for weak people.

  17. alright!

    what does it say I got a warning for?

    I called that davie Guy a mongo and I got a warning for it.

  18. question.

    Is that you in that picture?

  19. whit wan of the neds up there are you?

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