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  1. Starting to think they don't really care how crap they films are. Just putting out any old rubbish, so they can continue to hold on to the Spiderman films.
  2. Cant waite for this. Looks like we about to get the X-men and Deadpool in the Marvel Universe.
  3. Not seen much of Bob but looks like he 4 under after 11, so he playing allright
  4. Calum Hill just played the front 9 in 45 including a 10 and 8 on the score card Less said about Bob effort this week, missed the cut
  5. Think some people need a reality check on what is a realistic crowd for Scottish teams at tear 5 -7 who will all be differnt sizes of clubs. Going down to level 5-7 in Simler size countrys and i'll imgine the attendances will be around the same.
  6. Got to say having pretty much screwed up his return where he should have been cheered out of the building. Loving this Daniel Bryan hell turn. A updated American Dragon, environmentalist vagen hispter is someone I could get behind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=[yt]83&v=eksoPlmsHgc [/yt]
  7. A shield ruinion coming up then, last throw on the dice to get Roman cheered [emoji23]
  8. To keep it simple if you want to progress up the rankings, you want our teams to better the coefficient points what are dropping off that year.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0543cq8 Did not know he had a brother, Good glasgow Scottish accent he has Wonder what his brothers like...
  10. Dose sound like a work to me, Setting up a surprise return to attack Grado and Red Lightning down the line. Think we should cut them some slack to cause they lost a few key talent over the last year to the WWE, we forgot sometimes as much as ICW grown, there still a independent promotion in the grand scheme of things.
  11. Grado heel turn ? Its like Hogan being the third man all over again. Hope they use this as his entrance
  12. Funny thing is I'm sure David Gest did die a few months later after the show
  13. Vince Mennie born in Germany to Scottish parents is the closest I could find. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vince_Mennie
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