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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. I defy anyone not to laugh when she does the reveal.
  2. Another one for the classy funeral file. https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/edinburgh-robbers-funeral-flowers-feature-29042230?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABHSn8RA83aqTcklbMDIiQJzg49qdq_Mg9InU0CQdJTWYWRZWap-wYS76oPg_aem_AXxsqpi9uI_7wYrfYHdz7eq3UzqMHUyvnSsbxWRha2IiiGnxsQHEuf_0b2_ri2YE-BI#lvcixzu79tzuraultl
  3. What is the positive case for allowing mobile phones in the classroom? Aside from 'kids will go mental if you take their phones'?
  4. Rishi Sunak has announced a new military aid package from the UK for Ukraine. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68878627 The package includes 60 boats, including offshore and rigid raiding craft, dive boats and maritime guns 1600 missiles, both strike and air defence, including the Storm Shadow laser-guided missiles 400 vehicles, including 160 protected Husky vehicles, 162 armoured vehicles and 78 ATVs 4 million rounds of small arm ammunition
  5. I think Ian Paisley left the Orange Order because they weren't staunch enough for him.
  6. Children’s illustrator spared jail for hundreds of child abuse images. He claimed he looked at explicit images due to his anxiety and OCD. https://www.itv.com/news/channel/2024-04-19/childrens-illustrator-avoids-jail-after-making-indecent-images-of-minors Sentenced to probation, rehab and talking therapy. “I looked at Category A illegal abuse images for my men’s mental health.”
  7. This got algorithm’d onto my Twitter
  8. A death rate of 30 / 100,000 among Scottish men is massively high. I tried to find a comparison, the Our World In Data page would have that as the highest in the world - I assume the figure in the STV report is calculated differently. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/death-rates-from-alcohol-use-disorders?tab=table
  9. The dull thick brained racists and meat heads appear to be displaying a left-wing political slogan in that photo.
  10. Second best defence in teh Championship.... second best... second best
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw4d7k1vello Final person convicted of the murder sentenced.
  12. Trying to think of the allegiances of all my managers through my career. Of those who have enjoyed football I think it goes - Rangers, Newcastle Utd, Hibs, Hibs, Falkirk, Dundee Utd, Tottenham, Aberdeen, Rangers, Newcastle Utd. The ones who support English teams were actual fans of those teams, from the area.
  13. Another video, some nasty language in it
  14. The woman that posted it is from Northern Ireland. I couldn’t really make out what anyone was saying. Anyway, the pilot just before they drag him away
  15. Can’t work out what anyone is saying or where it is.
  16. The US House of Representatives has passed a bill providing aid for Ukraine, to the tune of $61bn. The Senate still need to pass it and then Biden will sign it into law. I don’t know if passing the Senate will be a challenge, yank politics is not really my thing. The aid, if it arrives, will be crucial for fortifying Ukraines defences. Russia is expected to launch an offensive during the summer and is pressing in a number of areas of the front. Ukraine has suffered from shell hunger with European allies, led by the Czechs, attempting to source artillery ammunition in the last few weeks and months. Russia has continued strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure, including civilian targets with a particularly grisly attack happening a few days ago in Chernihiv, with 18 civilians killed including several children. Power plants supplying Kyiv and Kharkiv have also been hit, with shortage of air defence munitions blamed.
  17. The guy filed lawsuits against various people about this conspiracy. In court documents he alleges Nicola Sturgeon was involved.
  18. Someone has set themselves on fire outside the courthouse during Trumps trial.
  19. Those of us old enough to remember the dog days of the Major government will get very similar vibes from this lot. Quite a few wretchedly useless MPs trying to wring out a few quid in their last few weeks at the trough. Who of them will end up doing a Milligan though?
  20. I remember seeing one of these videos on Twitter, although from the report it's more of a TikTok thing. It was promoted via the For You tab, some reprobate was posting it. Strange videos but very creepy that they are being taken regularly and without any permission. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-68826423
  21. It would be hilariously funny if Aberdeen win this but they will probably get scudded 9-0 again, the useless Cormack shagging bellends they are.
  22. In terms of team news for us, Sean McAllister has returned to us from Everton after he was thought to be out for the rest of the season with injury. I'd expect him to start on the bench. You might expect us to stick to the same team after winning two games in a row but Ferguson is a bit of a tinkerman in terms of his line ups so I think we might some alterations.
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