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Everything posted by cfcuk

  1. If it isn't financial what do you think are the reasons they haven't made a change ? If they think he is doing a good job they even more inept than I thought Agree with your comments re the team
  2. Why not the colts do at present in fact might merge and call ourselves cumbernauld clyde now where did I get that idea from ?
  3. I doubt he is going anywhere , he thinks we played well yesterday . Problem is after yesterday (including the shambles re crowd) a few more will drift away , going by the crowd and counting the away support we can't even muster 400 for a home game. My other son has now said he won't go till there is a change throughout the club , so that's both them not going now . Im not sure if I will continue going much longer (have you seen the video of us trying to be moved at half time ) I actually found it so farcical I laughed, that's what it's came too if the structure of the club remains it will simply become the Clyde version of East Stirling 100 to 150 fans left renting somewhere like Ochilview I have no evidence but would imagine a lot of the finance at the club is linked to BF as he is under no pressure from the board whatsoever. Ps I'm still up for nomination as chairman [emoji6]
  4. Brilliant put down [emoji106] Good to see you have a fan Congratulations on your first like and from a friend of the board
  5. Off you pop and report back to your chums on the board and get your instructions for the next dozen odd posts Should get you a seat on the team bus for the next away trip to Elgin or maybe a bit of hospitality
  6. All the ills of the club ? Definitely the fans fault
  7. Brilliant Slags off fans for negativity then slaughters half the team ha ha Conversely there is nothing your chums on the board can do that you critise
  8. Well suppose your getting the reaction you wanted , it was a good game and the team (apart from the goals) gave a fighting performance . If you think that makes everything suddenly ok good for you May have escaped you attention but we are 5th in lowest tier of Scottish football and haven't won in 7 games with no money to bring in any new players and still looking around for a permanent base no Chairman or CEO The fans were superb on Saturday it's now up to the players to produce that type of performance every game if they do we might make the play offs and with the possibility of Easton and Lowden back in the team you never know
  9. Out the play off places clyde board announce club not meeting objectives
  10. Board to announce management team meeting objectives:)
  11. Maybe it's me but I can't remember either of the signings playing against us That might be down to my therapist telling me to block out any Clyde games I attend
  12. See your a big fan of his hanging on every word
  13. You don't actually think he writes that Fully scripted by the daily ranger loyal supporters branch ha ha
  14. Must have had a self imposed memory clearance I can't remember any of these players being mentioned And thank God for that:)
  15. Two games ago we were told that the team management were achieving the goals set less than 10 days later that change after 2 games played The change came because of the furore kicked up after the two defeats which resulted in a quick back track So if we win this week go above Annan and someone asks are the objectives being met the answer will be yes So clearly they do change on a weekly basis Why didn't they just stick by the new years statement I've no problem with the board coming out and saying we have full confidence in the manager in achieving promotion as for fans asking about objectives, that is promotion which you can only say isn't on track till its mathematically impossible to get into the play offs Off the pitch we need a long term strategy decide where we are going to be playing and stick with it , we are doing loads of work in Cumbernauld to develop a feeling of the club being part of the local community then come out in the new year ststement and say we are looking at 4 new locations for the club seems a bit bizarre. Unless all 4 locations are in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth?
  16. So the clubs football objectives are set on a weekly basis ? Sounds just about right
  17. Forfar are seven points clear think they are doing pretty well
  18. Oh well official we are not hitting club objectives for the season Let's get this right 13 points behind the leaders and in the playoffs by a goal difference was Hitting objectives set for management 17 points behind the leaders and out the play offs by goal difference isn't hitting the objectives of the club (no mention of management ) Fine margins indeed or Panic stations We need to win on Saturday no excuses simple as that
  19. Only going by rumour but apparently McCall was discounted for the job. Not sure if true but would have taken him in a heart beat
  20. Listening to it I now genuinely think he will give it one last go if he manages to sign a couple of players President for a manager to turn this around it would need 4 or 5 to come in and similar going out very seldom if ever do the same set of players suddenly turn it around if it was two or three games yes but that's 1 win in 8 and to teams at the bottom of the league There hasn't been one who has came out in public or social media backing him I don't dislike BF I find his honesty refreshing at times I sure he works tirelessly for the club Just don't think he he gets the mentality of part time players or lower league football
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