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Everything posted by TheGreenElves

  1. I seen an interview with her on The Talking Dead, and even then I wasn't sure . Had to use Google to check
  2. I'm sure the character with the slingshot is female. Thought it was a guy at first as well
  3. 8 for Friday. I assume all 4 words in the last question mean the same thing. I knew what the German word meant, which gave me the answer.
  4. Aye the end wasn't great, I think I'd heard so many people moan about the ending before I'd actually seen it, so it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Might need to rewatch it, as there are a lot of great moments. Not sure if this is a controversial opinion, but I much prefer this show to Friends. A lot more likeable characters(apart from Ted, but I hate all 6 of them in Friends ). Was actually gutted at a few moments(death of Marshall's father and the death of the mother), a lot funnier(I'm trying to think of a bit in Friends that I found funny apart from PIVOT, and I'm struggling). Also, it was good to see the main characters drinking in a pub, rather than a coffee shop(I'm sure they actually take the piss out of friends by doing part of an episode in a coffee shop), so more relatable. Was a big fan of the mother character(and actress), was really likeable, which I think is part of the reason the end was so bad. To introduce a character we've been waiting so long to see, and that is instantly liked, only to get rid of her for an ending that you could have predicted from episode 1 was poor. Would have even been a better ending if she'd just died and that was it, rather than having the bit with Robin at the end. I do wonder if the writers ever considered changing the ending. I only know that the way it ended was always the plan, as the scenes where he was talking to his children telling them about how he met his mother were all filmed at once(as they don't age in any of the clips), so the 2 kid actors had to sign non disclosure agreements
  5. To be fair, it's a British band that has a song that's high in the charts in New Zealand. I hear it all the time as it's one of the songs on FIFA (think it's in the top 10 in the UK charts, so I hear it on the radio a lot as well)
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