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Posts posted by Kenny_m

  1. 10 hours ago, ATLIS said:

    He was on about 1.3k at Airdrie I'm sure, one of the main reasons they got into a bad spot. Can't see him taking a paycut to join the Pars.

    Wage was the biggest reason we were struggling to get the deal over, Pars obviously got more money than us with us living within our means so will be interesting to see how he performs. His goals say enough, cracking signing well done!

    Mad livi fan pollutes thread with complete and utter tosh! Did get the last sentence correct though.

  2. Lol at this being the easy way out. You been living in a cave for the last 6 months?

    I think Calderon is meaning the end result. Badly managed, run up huge debts whilst shafting loads = you've been bad now start again with no debt.

    Bryan Jackson is a genius, just wish we (Airdrieonians) had appointed him instead of KPMG and Blair Nimmo.

    Anyway, good luck and don't do it again like real bad guy's at Livingston and Dundee!

  3. Livi fans should ask McGruther to withdraw the appeal, its not going to be successful.

    Rather than Livi fans berating Jim Ballantyne, why do you think the league's attitutde seemed to change from the first meeting to the 2nd.

    Is it not that most of the member clubs thought that the LMC had been way too lenient and they complained about the punishment and now McGruther is hoping to win an appeal!

    It's all the other chairmen that have made the LMC have the seemingly big turnaround!

  4. I think McGruther is in bother big time. He has forked out £25,000 and same from McDougall to get rid of a mad italian when he thought Livi would escape relegation. Explain that one to your boss.

    On another note, Livi fans would have been delighted with ONLY relegation before the first meeting, now their angry about it and not exactly endearing themselves to anyone by waiting till 5pm on the eve of the season, clearly a ploy to upset which to me will backfire on them.

    Is anyone coming out of this with any credit?

    Ach i suppose it's Airdrie's fault!

  5. The frustration of Airdrie fans is directed at the footballing authorities.

    We were a proud club and one of Scotlands oldest clubs who got into financial difficulties, it all ended and everyone knows what happened after that.

    There just seems to be an amazing effort to help Livi that was not available to us and particularly galling is that our last "preferred bidder" (although he didn't stick his head above the parapet) was Neil Rankine!

    Airdrie bashing is a popular pastime on P & B and believe me, loved by Airdrie fans, but to be clear i think most Airdrie fans


    We got relegated deservedly. ( and don't want back up with the side that we have)

    We didn't particularly want Livi to go bust.

    We wanted livi punished ( like most and even Livi fans agreed with this)

    All in all, its the Scottish League who have created this anti Livi feeling with their total incompetence as they never stirred my loins one way or another before.

    On Kenny Black's comments, put yourself in his position last summer when on the other end of the phone was " sorry, i can get £300 per week more at Livi"!

  6. This rule change seems designed as a way to remove Massone who almost everyone agrees is a nutter!

    I'm sure he now definitely not sell his shares and it will end in court and the fact that McDougall and Rankine have decided to throw a substantial amount of money at Livi this will only strengthen his shares value.

    I'm a bitter Airdrieonians fan who can't believe that a club who have been in existence for 14 years and ran up debts of almost 1 million per year have been given another chance and with a man who played a part in my clubs death.

    For clarity my anger is not directed at Livi fans, its the fact that my club didn't have this option, and Clydebank!

    So members clubs don't vote for change and Massone doesn't sell, what happens then?

    I would be very surprised and disappointed if Jim Ballantyne does not resign from the SFL blazers.

  7. In fairness the Gretna that was voted in and lived well within its means for the first two seasons in the SFL, was a very different beast to the one that died last season. If I remember correctly there were a few dissenting voices in Gretna regarding Mileson's influence on the club, to begin with anyway.

    That said, I think most clubs would have struggled to reject his indecent proposal. Gretna were a very well run club, so it's hard too see how anyone could have predicted what would happen, when they were elected. It just so happens Mileson chose Gretna, but it could equally have been Berwick, Ayr or Queens for that matter (These teams are just examples for arguments sake, but I think you get my drift).

    They may have been a well run club prior to being elected. Were they not in the 3rd division when they were paying Steve Tosh more than Aberdeen could?

  8. I wish I could access the posts by Livingston fans from when Morton were going through their troubles. Many of them would be unable to sit down tonight because of the bites on their arses!

    Comments like (and I paraphrase)"there is no place in Scottish football for teams like Morton"; "Teams like Livingston, with their purpose-built stadia, are the way forward for Scottish football"; "history has no place in todays football" all spring to mind.

    At that time we received NO support from Livingston fans, they were pompous in their views of our plight and looking at THEIR history, all I can see is a list of fly-by-night owners who, continually sponge off the few fans they can claim and then move on and pass the baton to the next shyster.

    Livingston, the club or the fans get no sympathy from me. I will reserve that for the fans of teams like Medowbank Thistle and Clydebank. The real tragedy of this whole situation is that another team which cheated the system, i.e. Airdrie United, could once again be the benefactors.

    Airdrieonians paid the ultimate price for their mismanagement and blame the Chairman of the clubs who voted against Airdrie getting back in and forced them into the Clydebank scenario. Yes, voting Gretna in was a clever decision.

    Do remember that Livi, Gretna and Dundee have all written off millions more than the debt that finished Airdrieonians.

  9. I believe Neil Rankine's (Bill Barr) interest in Airdrie was for the adjoining land at the stadium to be a commercial development. When the council poo pooed that idea, he walked. He is interested in property only and i would imagine that his only interest in Livi is to buy their stadium in a cut price deal.

    Oh and don't forget he tried to remain annonymus throughout the whole Airdrie fiasco which says a lot about the man.

    This whole thing stinks and brings back bad memories for me!

  10. As an Airdrie fan i remember these days very well and have genuine sympathy for the fans.

    Livi have probably already written off more than the total sum ( i believe 4 years ago the debt was 10m) that finished Airdrie (2.5m approx) from their last bout of administration, to do it again so soon is unbelievable! I doubt Livi will survive this as to come out of administration you have to prove you have a secure business plan but with their known history they will have to come up with a beauty.

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