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Mr Hahn

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Everything posted by Mr Hahn

  1. So that's two ridiculous penalties we've given away in 3 games. FFS
  2. This. Wasn't actually that disheartened by the Ross County game. We created chances, we didn't take them, on another night we're walking away with a 2/3-1 win and fairly happy. Today was a different story, we were absolutely dreadful. We could have played all day and not scored, partly down to a solid Utd defence for which they deserve the plaudits they are getting, but also largely down to our attack looking utterly devoid of ideas and creativity. Starting from the back, Mugabi isn't a bad defender but please, keep the ball away from him. He's awful with it. I like Grimshaw, you always know what you'll get with him but again, distribution not good. Lamie just isn't a full back for me. He looked solid at CB on Monday and am happy with his addition but from what I've seen, CB is his position. I don't think he provides the athleticism of a full back which Carroll did last season and McGinley looked like he could do on Monday. Campbell was probably the best of a bad lot in midfield today. Turnbull looked a lot for the ball but with the lack of anything happening in front of him, backwards seemed the only direction he could go. O'Hara was fine in the first half but again, so little happening in front of him, not sure there was a whole lot he could do. Then the front three. Hastie is shite. That purple patch he had with us to get his move seems to have been solely based on a young player with confidence a plenty. With that confidence stripped away, it's like we're playing with a man down. I didn't think we could sign a worse wide option than Seedorf but Hastie looks to be that player. Speaking of Seedorf, he was alright actually. Looked to take on his man and when he gets up to full speed he's rapid. Still not convinced by him but promising. Long has pace but he's just not a lone striker. He always wants to go in behind but that's not always an option. Sometimes you need to come deeper for the ball and he doesn't seem able to do that. He also has my least favourite trait in a player, he's fucking ball greedy. There was a moment in the second half, he was about 30 yards out, shoulder to shoulder with a defender, on his weak foot and he decided to shoot. Who knows what combo we'll go with up top on Wednesday but I'd get Long and Hastie out. Would go with Watt, Seedorf and probably Hylton. He was decent last season and can't possibly be worse than Hastie.
  3. Could have played all night and not scored. What an absolutely feeble second half.
  4. Not convinced these aren't foul throws from Gallagher..... Hastie still looks shite.
  5. 2 doubles on his card killed his round. Koepka with a good start but we all know who we're all here for....Bob McIntyre just getting started.
  6. Suspect I won't be able to head up for a game for a week at least then as my course is just over the border into Aberdeenshire. If that is the case, the local driving range have at least tweeted that they can stay open so at least will be able to hit balls.
  7. Agreed. I think Seedorf's performance on Monday actually raises more questions about Hastie than Seedorf. Seedorf was flying past their full back pretty much every time he got the ball as soon as he came on. I don't think Hastie got past him once and he didn't really look like he believed in himself. I think we saw enough of Seedorf last season to say with confidence that he isn't very good, so if he was destroying a full back that Hastie was struggling against, that's a tad worrying. Obviously Hastie hasn't had a whole lot of football recently, so will take a few games to see where he's at. Just wasn't the best start. Caveat this post by saying I will happily eat all the words I've posted about Seedorf if he comes good. He obviously has the raw pace.....if he could just stop falling over whenever he got the ball.
  8. Donnelly not a goal machine and Seedorf actually beating a man? Are we playing opposites from last season?
  9. Contrary to what the commentary team have been saying, I reckon that was a fairly even first half bar a ludicrous challenge from Gallagher. Turnbull is clearly our best player and it's a crime playing him on the left wing. Even in that first half, when he came into the middle he nearly created a couple of goals. County have defended well so far and it's been a good contest. Some better balls into the box in the second half pls.
  10. Big Cedric wearing his old 'Well gear on holiday, he loves the 'Well*. *Shamelessly stolen from some boy on twitter
  11. Superb viewing on this final round. My money is on Thomas but I'm hoping for Fitzpatrick. Daniel Berger been a bit of a sleeper but come to life today.
  12. Good time to bring this story back up. I played Hollandbush yesterday with my dad and his pal as Strathaven still aren't allowing guests and have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the condition of the place. If it was as bad as reported here the green staff must have done a magnificent job since. The greens were a bit slow but it was quite wet and they were extremely consistent, no problem at all for a municipal. The fairways were good and there were even a couple of new tees since I was last there I think. It's a good municipal with some lovely trees and some really nice holes. As with all municipals there were a couple of nondescript holes which aren't very interesting but all in all, an excellent value for money 18 holes. On top of that, the course was very busy, full car park and looked like a mostly fully booked morning tee sheet. My opinion is probably helped by playing well and giving my partners a tanking but municipal golf is still alive in South Lanarkshire afterall!
  13. Magnificent. One that's been on my list for a while along with 3 or 4 others in that region of the world. Good scoring in the wind as well.
  14. Thank you for this. Sincerely.
  15. Indeed, I like the faster fairways, means they need to think more about where their tee shot is actually going to finish once it lands. The carry distance is the main issue for me. Most PGA courses play quite soft so they can pretty much just bomb it knowing fairly precisely how far they can carry it and not getting a whole lot of roll. The equipment, as you say, is clearly the problem. Fair enough that Bryson drive had a lot of roll but it's still 360 carry? That's obscene. Appreciate it, seems to be getting a bit better now so fingers crossed it stays that way. That sounds brutal, my similar moment came when cleaning my clubs of all things. Leaned over my bag to take a club out, next thing I was on all fours over the basin I was using the clean the clubs, unable to get up for about 5 minutes. I snapped a driver shaft in my youth, practice swinging too close to a ball cleaner like a moron. It wasn't very expensive to replace but it was a bit different back then. Most clubs came with one standard shaft while clubs now usually come with 3 or 4 stock shaft options from dedicated shaft brands. It'll depend on the shaft if you know what kind it was? If it's a stock shaft, I doubt it'll be too bad. If it's an aftermarket shaft, they can get quite expensive.
  16. 13 holes tonight as my struggles with back spasms have continued recently but pleased to report 13 holes, absolutely pain free. Hopefully the kettlebell training I've been doing is paying off. Last few times I've tried to get back out, I've either had to bin it early or I've struggled to make 9 holes, feeling very stiff and hitting it all over the place. Absolutely buzzing that it's felt better tonight and was hitting the ball lovely. Putting was absolutely shite but can put up with that for a little bit as I get back in. Don't know if anyone caught this from Bryson earlier. Fucking madness. I know it was windy today and there was a lot of big drives on this hole but 423?! I assumed it'd hit the cart path or something! Imagine being Dustin Johnson and hitting a 384 yard drive on this hole and being second longest
  17. I have one of the previous season's Macron training tops. Got my usual size and it's pretty snug. It's fine if you run in it like I do but if you want it to be more comfortable, I'd recommend sizing up.
  18. I wouldn't worry overly about that. Driver is a difficult club for experienced golfers let alone beginners, especially getting the height you're talking about. It's a bit of a different technique in that you're trying to hit slightly up on the ball rather than down on it as you would with other clubs. When I was a beginner I just carried a 4 wood and used that off the tee until I was of a reasonable enough standard that I got a driver. Understand it's fun to hit the driver but if I was in your position I'd just go with the 3 wood and irons, see how you're getting on and once you feel like you've maxed out that strategy, maybe get a lesson in driving from a professional? Or if you want to keep hitting the driver, maybe just go straight for a lesson. A one hour lesson with a professional would be plenty to set you on the right track and give you something to work on.
  19. The deal is still there on certain weekdays if that's peaked your interests. I've had to take a bit of time away from golf with a bad back, don't think working from home has been great for my lanky frame. Was back to the driving range this afternoon though and no significant issues so going to try and give 9 holes a bash tomorrow evening. Think I'll be looking to snatch a time there once I've made sure I can manage 18 holes without making that worse.
  20. Murcar was doing a deal for £50 a head a few weeks ago, think it's usually at least £100. Was tempted to just nab a time and go myself but thankful I didn't. My game was in no fit state to take on a difficult course!
  21. How was hitting the next one?
  22. Was about to post similar. I hate Rangers as much as the next non-mutant, but Hastie is a no brainer when the alternative is a regular start for *shiver* Sherwin Seedorf. I'd be delighted to eat my words if he comes good but I just don't see it. He's fast but he's weak and can't seem to run with the ball without falling over. The argument that Hastie was a bit of a one trick pony can be had but he's fast, strong, can control a ball and can run with the ball as well as having a beast of a left foot. I'd take a one trick pony with those attributes over what I've see from Seedorf any day. He cashed in on his purple patch which I don't begrudge him but if he's to come back, surely that's an upgrade in a position where we need bodies.
  23. Anyone in the central belt fancy going to Glasgow Airport and offering to buy Robinson a pint or 7 before his flight?
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