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Mr Hahn

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Everything posted by Mr Hahn

  1. My god I hate Sunny. But there is one c**t I hate more on this show and that Zeke. What a moany little whiney twat. He has one of the those faces that you could punch till your arm was sore and then ask someone else to punch while you rest and then begin punching again.
  2. Tiger Woods 09, Assasin's Creed, Gears of War 2.
  3. I was in SA about a week and a half ago. Yes, there are really bad areas but it didn't stop me having the time of my life and surely if you're going to place like that, then that's the whole purpose. Granted though that those horns are unbelievably annoying at the confederations.
  4. What an episode today. Cassandra is one hell of a boot. Donna is right on the money.
  5. I graduated from Edinburgh Accounting and Economics 3 years ago. My nephew is going to Edinburgh to do the same course this year. Anyone else?
  6. Anyone see todays? What was Lucas thinking? Elle is mighty fine.
  7. Couldn't agree more, watching her was cringeworthy. How Fitzy's performance never deteriorated while acting with that I'll never know.
  8. A guy came up to a group of us today and said "Anycunt got the time?" If one wants the time, is this really the way to get it? I didn't think so, so I bravely said "No, sorry mate."
  9. Good shout, that's next on my playlist, after Map of the Problematique by Muse.
  10. All those sort of games are. I usually turn over to Dave when they are on. Speaking of Dave, is it just me or is that "Dave Original" Argumental one of the worst thing to ever grace television?
  11. 1. Those woman in BMW X5s or big 4x4 Lexus' (big expensive 4x4s in general) that drive 2cm behind you. Even when you have a car that does twice the top speed of them. 2. Those stupid teenage girls that drown themselves in fake tan. 3. Folk that think the EPL is better than it is. 4. When you go under a tree for shelter from the rain and a bit c**t of a drip lands right on your head.
  12. McEwan's is the worst thing.....ever. There are several rotten drinks you can have pints of....but McEwan's tops the shite pile. Next is Carlsberg, that is simply a shite beer. Who makes this shit? And how do they pass all the restrictions for health and safety and all that shit?
  13. Alright mate, I've enquired elsewhere and have been told to come to you and ask you how I can change my display name? Or do I have to become a platinum member? If you could help me out, that would be great cheers.

  14. Calum Calder has no penis

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