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Mr Hahn

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Everything posted by Mr Hahn

  1. Been watching a couple of videos on this before work in the mornings and looks amazing. Sad we can't have it on pc.
  2. Been trying to avoid this thread in case of spoilers but that wedding?! At least the other guy still got his hole.
  3. I finished GTA 4 on pc this morning. Thoroughly enjoyable game....until the last mission which was almost ruined by a ridiculous bug. Basically to climb into the chopper you need to press space bar on pc as fast as you can however the bug meant it just kept changing the view and it was very frustrating. Found on a forum that is was an fps issue so you had to keep up pressing space with the frames per second so the solution was to lower my frames per second by recording my game as I was doing it. Bizarre that the fix was to make the game run worse but it worked and I eventually finished. What happens when you port console games I guess.
  4. I used to love a game of Badminton but don't think my knee could take it right now. I've been trying to stick to a routine of two weights sessions and two 40 minute runs on the treadmill per week. Don't know if that's the best way to go about getting fitter but I'm pretty nackered after it for sure.
  5. Had never seen Gladiator before so watched that a couple of nights ago and thoroughly enjoyed it as I knew I would really. 9.8/10
  6. I think what impressed me from the trailers was the setting and scale more than anything. There's always a buzz around GTA but I thought that trailer was fantastic.
  7. Can't wait for Rome 2. Played the shit out of Medievil total war as a youngster and really enjoyed Shogun 2.
  8. Been playing GTA 4 on the PC recently to get it out the road before 5 comes out. I expect this to be game of the year, trailers look tremendous.
  9. They have that on tap in the pub below my flat, smashing pint.
  10. Pretty feeble amount lying in Edinburgh this morning considering how hard it was snowing at points last night.
  11. Claros off, he was dreadful in fairness.
  12. GOAL! haha would be fucking hilarious if Hibs came back here.
  13. The boy Claros is almost as bad as Kujabi.
  14. Kujabi is really no better than your average Sunday league left back. His free kick against us in the league earlier this season was absolutely hilarious.
  15. Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio! Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio, cheeriooooooooh! Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio, cheeeeeeeerioh! CHEERIO!
  16. I bought it on Steam about a week ago but haven't played it yet. Thought it looked like a decent time filler.
  17. 107 guests.....why do I feel like we're being watched? Watch out for bullets in the post boys!
  18. Celtic could give them a real run for their money on that one but I do agree with you.
  19. Listening to the podcast now. Traynor and Dodds are fucking rage inducing. Gotta say though that Jim Spence is trying his very best to stand up for the smaller clubs.
  20. Billy Dodds "I know rules are rules but these are exceptional circumstances." Oh f**k off you c**t.
  21. Where can one find this podcast, I'd be interested to hear what the administrator was saying. More and more do I think he's not doing his job and acting for the creditors but trying to help Rangers.
  22. Was thinking exactly this myself. Would give a greenie if this thread hadn't ran me dry.
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