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Mr Hahn

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Everything posted by Mr Hahn

  1. Jeezo, think we all realised that was the case but didn't realise the difference was that stark. Plus the fact that 75% of those fees during McCall's era were the two Estonians including £300k for Anier which still baffles me a little. Strikes me that it's even as high as £800k because a club was willing to throw money at that deal for some reason. Right now, I feel more that we earn every penny from a lot of our transfer deals by having a valuation and holding firm on it. We really have stepped up our game in the transfer department, we can no longer be bullied and that's terrific. Aarons looks like a good signing from what I've seen, look forward to seeing how he does. I hope this means we never see Seedorf grace the park again but we'll see on that one. I'm genuinely a bit gutted to be losing Scott even for that transfer fee which I think is about right. I think it'll impact us more than some think. He's a different player to the other wide men we have and IMO has been our most effective out ball recently. I think we might struggle a bit without that variety of out ball. Fair play to the lad, by all accounts he's pretty sound and hope the move goes well for him. He's got great physical attributes and is excellent with the ball at his feet. Would have loved to keep him until summer or maybe another year and a half but when that money is offered we can't really refuse it.
  2. On the face of it I think it sounds interesting but no, not for me. Only the top players get to play? What about all the other players? What would happen to the other tours if the top 50 players just move to this? Would we ever have even heard of Bob McIntyre if this format was in play currently? There's enough money in professional golf at the highest level as it is without this IMO and I think the current system works just fine from a fan's POV. If I was to change anything about professional golf right now, it would be to have 2 majors in Europe and 2 in America but that'll never happen so just leave it like it is for me.
  3. That was the most I've cringed at a game in some time. Applause for former players should be reserved for your actual club legends, not lazy strikers who, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't even score double figures of goals for Motherwell. McFadden? Aye I'd give a wee clap. Danny Johnson? No thanks, I'll sit on my hands and hope he doesn't score against us.
  4. +1 in the #ANNOUNCETONY camp from me. A deal until the end of the season, if available, I'm fully on board with. What's the deal for us if Kipre does get another move, we have a sell on %? I've been playing too much Football Manager recently where Kipre is lining up for EPL sides and forget he actually still plays for Wigan....
  5. He was definitely playing on the left, occasionally interchanging with Scott through the middle (before Scott got subbed). I noted in one of Robinson's conferences, he said he thinks Ilic might become a decent player for us second half of the season and I must admit I was pleasantly surprised by him last night. He looked pretty naf in the cup games early in the season which is pretty much the last time any of us have really seen him but he was fairly decent when he came on IMO. Not a world beater but, judging by this game and the Dundee game, he's MILES better than Seedorf. He did get the old subbed sub treatment but I think that was more Robinson doing what he needed to do to win the game shapewise than any reflection on the man's performance.
  6. The game last night felt like a game that would be won or lost with a single goal from fairly early on and so it proved. Glad we got it and our small band in the away end was buzzing. Definitely a deserved 3 points from my perspective too. Neither team created a whole lot but we did have a couple of half chances in the first half. I honestly don't remember Aberdeen creating anything. A couple of set piece attempts in the second half but that was about it. I must admit, I thought at the time that Robinson played the "Mugabi 5 at the back" card a little too early as I thought it would mean inviting pressure on and we'd eventually crack with no out ball but Polworth and Donnelly were superb in that second half at putting their foot on the ball and buying us time rather than lumping it just to have it lumped straight back at us. We looked solid as a rock in defence, especially big Declan, what a signing he's been. Night and day defensive display from the Dundee game. Aberdeen looked pretty dismal it must be said. Very little in the way of alternative plans once plan A clearly wasn't doing the business. McKenna surely can't be doing his chances of a move much good. He was pretty dire last night and I'm reliably informed by the Dons fans in the office that he's been like that almost all season. Massive 3 points for us, only downside was Long going off. Hopefully it's not too bad as we don't really have any other out and out striker options.
  7. Watched Westwood's final round in its entirety yesterday. Got to be honest, I thought we were seeing the beginning of the end for Westwood in the last few years but he was terrific yesterday. Made only one mistake that I can note and was solid as a rock otherwise. If he keeps up this form, he'll be a shoe in for a Ryder Cup spot which I definitely didn't see him playing in again.
  8. Pretty much agree with this in its entirety. Would also add that this is the first time I've seen Tait live this season and he really seems to have lost something recently. Thankfully we have the youth of Grimshaw to make up for that because I could honestly see better players tearing him a new arse down that wing. Great servant to the club and by all accounts a lovely guy but I'm glad he's our backup right back atm. Hartley's distribution also would have cost us at least one goal against better opposition I reckon. None of that on Wednesday night please. On the plus side, it was making the guy sitting two rows in front of me absolutely fucking raging and he produced the quote "stop trying tae play fitba and get oan wi it." Considering the implications of this statement occupied my mind for a few minutes of what was generally a fairly shite second half from us and distracted me from being fairly baltic.
  9. Judging by tonight's showing, he's a shite Chris Humphrey. Obviously has pace to burn but what's the point if you either: 1. Don't take on the man and use that pace or 2. Fall over before you get the chance. Ndjoli, for what little touches he had, also looked a bit naf I must admit.
  10. Any excuse to dig out this. Not too many occasions at the football where I've actually laughed out loud at something shite a player has done....
  11. Rumour has it MJC was witnessed swan diving across the front of the East Stand to try and take the hit for poor wee Alfredo...
  12. Done the same and realised I never finished Blood and Wine! Unforgivable really as I loved this game so much. I'm really savouring the last few quests of it now before I start the whole game again.
  13. That background for Grimshaw's pic..... Of all the games that we've played at Fir Park, the background they use is from a Gretna Hearts game with the old scoreboard....
  14. 2 for Kirsty Blackman in this household but as seats go, I doubt this one will be very interesting. There was a younger look about the people going in to my polling station today than I usually notice. Don't know if that means more youngsters getting out to vote or not but I'm going to say it's a good thing.
  15. Motherwell do one too. I know what my loved ones are getting this Christmas.....
  16. For those of us who are in a Motherwell FC early 2000s boyband.
  17. It's one of my real peeves about modern politics. No wonder all political discussion involving those in elected positions is reduced to shite soundbites and depressingly mundane and unenlightening debate. Everything they say/do/retweet/sneeze on at any point in their past can be dug up and used to smear them, manipulate people against them and have them labelled as (insert here)phobe.
  18. When I got fit for my 2-iron, I fully intended on getting a hybrid but the fitter told me it didn't suit my game. Hybrids are better for people who struggle to get the ball in the air with the longer clubs especially out of the rough is what he recommended. That's never been something I struggle with so the added control ability of the iron was better in my case. Your latter suggestion would work best I think. I run with Driver, 3 wood (15° so not far off a 4 wood). 2 iron (18°), 3 iron etc etc.... I think the modern fairway woods, being much more shallow than the old woods, are great from both the fairway and the tee. My 3 wood is my favourite club in the bag for that reason.
  19. On this antisemitism dismissal: 1. Is there not a vetting process for candidates within the party whereby you weed out people who have made unacceptable comments in the past? I mean it was 2016(?) which is hardly that long ago, surely wouldn't have taken too much digging to find that. To lose the SNP candidate in one of our main target seats that we'd be in with a good chance of winning is a real body blow. It's a shame we can't still campaign vigorously for people to vote SNP with the promise that a new candidate would be put in place after the election but I realise the drawbacks of that. 2. Is there not scope for forgiveness here? I won't pretend to know much about the candidate but he seems to have apologised in a sincere and genuine manner. From my knowledge, and I'm prepared to be corrected on this, it's not like his social media feed is full of scrawls of antisemitic posts. From what I gather, he's made one ill thought out comment and posted an image which he didn't fully understand the connotations of (he claims, whether you trust him on that or not is your own judgement). Boris Johnson's comments mentioned earlier in the thread have never been apologised for and yet he holds the highest power in the land. We all say stupid things sometimes and if there is genuine remorse and a sincere apology, can we not just forgive and move on? If the folk of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath don't vote for him because of it, that's their choice and would be understandable, but if he was deemed a good enough person to put forward as the SNP candidate in the first place, I don't have a problem for showing a bit of forgiveness for genuine remorse.
  20. Really well done, that's a very quick double milestone! I still remember the first time I broke 100, 90 and, this season, 80. It took me way longer than you! Congrats. I had my first lesson of a planned 5 over the winter on Saturday. Hopefully on the path to have a more consistent season next year. I shot everything from 78 to 98 last year.
  21. 45 seats would be a superb result for the SNP imo. The yoons will insist it's not that good because anything below 56/59 seats is now portrayed as disenchantment with the party but 45 would be ahead of Labour's "dominant" victory in Scotland in 2010.
  22. Letting Scots choose what kind of country they'd like to live in? Good luck getting yoons on board with that one.
  23. Ok gotcha. The post I originally quoted seemed to deny correlation between poverty and suicide rates. However I disagree on your assertion that the latter is the only one of use. The absolute cause of suicide, while very relevant to those around the individual, will vary from person to person on an almost infinite individual level surely and there isn't a whole lot society can do about that? However if a strong correlation is found between poverty, a national problem that can be dealt with at government level, and suicide rates, surely that is of significant use? My post did mention not wanting condescending advice did it not? I believe I already have disagreed with a few of them on the Stuart Campbell/Wings thread. I'm not afraid to disagree with anyone, in fact I think disagreement is a cornerstone of a healthy society. The post I originally quoted: Part of the quote I took from the report: "There is now overwhelming evidence of a strong connection between socioeconomic deprivation and suicidal behaviour." I fail to see how that could be considered irrelevant.
  24. From the same thread as you found that: zooooooom
  25. It was part of my point. It was so easy to find that one must have deliberately avoided it to miss it. If joining the screeching chimps exempts me from condescending advice on how to behave then I'll join the chimps.
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