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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. TNA main eventer / WWE mid carder....same thing.
  2. Get them both. The tag division is so dire that any ACTUAL tag teams will do rather than random pairing being thrown together (Santino and Kozlov, McGillicutty and Otunga etc). Imagine a division with the Usos, the KOW, Briscos, WGTT. They should have hung onto Smith and kept the Hart Dynasty. Then wait for an oppertune tine to snatch Beer Money.
  3. The first one aye, still not read the last one he had out.
  4. Ok I'm now looking for my next fix of wrestling reading.I recently finished Jerry Lawler "It's Good To Be The King" and Bret Harts. I'm trying to find a few new reads. I saw Terry Funk "More Than Just Hardcore" and Freddie Blassie's " Listen, You Pencil Neck Geeks" and may purchase them. Anyone recently found anything worth a read?
  5. It's being said that Triple H is interested in reviving the WWE Tag Team division. Word is that they are really starting to recruit tag teams and see if some names are under contract to other promotions. There has been talk internally about The Brisco Brothers but they are signed to Ring of Honor. There has also been a lot of talk about TNA's Beer Money and bringing them in once they are able to get away from TNA. Regarding the Kings of Wrestling - Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli coming, the talk is that they will indeed be brought in together as a tag team and not singles wrestlers. Please, please. please let this be true.
  6. You should see the rest of it then, those are just a selection of the ones that I deem to be less smarky (so imagine what the rest is like). I was trawling through a forum I used to be on a couple years ago until it went shite and found it, a good effort nonetheless, but the poster who did it was a c**t.
  7. I've just been reading an "A-Z of Internet Wrestling" which I found pretty funny, I'll post a few of my favourites (it's a bit dated as it's from 2006) I lol'd
  8. From LordsofPain.com: Regarding SummerSlam only having 4 matches announced, word is that as of yesterday, that's all the matches WWE had finalized. Creative had more matches lined up two weeks ago than they did yesterday at RAW. It's expected that 2 or 3 more matches will be added but there's also talk of having longer matches than usual. Longer matches can't be a bad thing...especially for the main event.
  9. As noted before, Melina was not allowed into the building at last night's WWE RAW in San Jose. The feeling was that there would have been major drama about her release if they would have let her into the backstage area. The entire WWE security team was informed not to allow her entry. There was a concern that Melina would physically cause a problem backstage. Also as noted earlier, WWE officials weren't happy with Melina joining John Morrison over the weekend at RAW live events. Officials are very down on Morrison over the incident, feeling that it was a huge breach of backstage etiquette. Morrison's current deal with WWE is up in a few months and the recent heat adds to speculation that WWE won't resign him. One source adds that Melina may have burnt her bridge with WWE after her reactions online to being released. Get it up the pair of them
  10. Shuggie Murrays prediction: At SummerSlam HHH screws CM Punk creating a straightforward feud between the two, with HHH coming back to wrestle. Next Monday on RAW Cena faces and defeats Mysterio, where Del Rio cashes in his MITB and beats Cena, setting up ADR vs Cena where The Rock makes his return and screws Cena on the way to Mania.
  11. So tonight on RAW there is the official SummerSlam contract signing between John Cena and CM Punk. Hopefully we can see another superb segment between these 2 and Punk gives us a wee bit more gold.
  12. I've been watching alot of the "big story" in WWE at the minute all day. I have to say I much prefer this promo to the original "shoot" Cuttng a shoot is easy, but cutting a belting promo based on the story/angle and making it completely and utterly believeable rather than talking about actual things, where the main reason people love it is because of the shock value. This is a fucking incredible segment.
  13. PWI500: Rediculous list. Kane number 4? Punk barely top 10? Roderick Strong 13? Jeff Hardy 16? Christopher Daniles 26? R-Truth way down in 51? I am now 100% convinced this list is made up by putting 500 names in a hat and randomly drawing them out.
  14. I like my commentary when the commentator acually knows the name of the moves we are watching rather than saying "Big move......high impact......he's in pain". Commentate on what's fucking happening FFS!!! Or wors yet I'll take for example Kidd vs Danielson and the commentators are talking about what Randy Orton is going to do to Christian later tonight. f**k off, you can talk about that when it happens, in the mean time talk about the match that's actually taking place.
  15. Hard to believe that he and Carlito have both competed in Elimination Chambers. I mean I always loved Masters but when you consider what he's done the last 2 years it's mental. Carlito on the other hand turned into a fat lazy b*****d whereas Masters got better and better with time.
  16. Am I the only one who has always liked Masters? Even during his first push?
  17. I've missed the last 2 episodes of SmackDown. TBH they really don't give a shit about it anymore. They have dropped the ball big time with both Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett, both could have been top heels and all momentum they had has been stopped. They added DiBiase (another one they dropped the ball with about 2 years ago) and he's done nothing but hold Rhodes back. Then theres Barrett, who when leader of Nexus looked phenomenal, then they dropped him from Nexus and added him to The Corre where Otunga and Slater held him down. They need to learn to just let talent be themselves. No adding deadweights to hold them down!!!
  18. That Jimmy Bullard's a vicious b*****d. This makes you sound like a c**t In all seriosuness though, I used to post on a few wrestling forums,but they were overly smarky. I mean, I thought I was bad for it, but f**k me, it's at another level elsewhere. I can not stand the posters on UKFF. So up their own arses it's unbelievable. These days I just don't have the time to visit various forums, so I just stick to P&B. I can get my fix of football and wrestling in the one place. Plus the posters here seem normal, well relatively speaking . I mean you can get a right good WWE/TNA discussion, some Scottish stuff and little bit of ROH/PWG etc etc. As you say, I can't stand the likes who reckon WWE is evil and is th worst wrestling company on the world. They feel the need to show how much they love wresting by watching the most obscure, shite promotions going, and it pains them to admit that WWE is still the best promotion going, even when it's shite it's the best. So we have the right mix of posters here. Casual fans, super smarks and something in between (I like to count myself as being somewhere between casualand smark). P&B FTW!!!
  19. Embarassingly I know him. He stays about 5 minutes from me so I see him fairly regularly. He always came up and spokke to me, but TBH I never liked him. He's always been a w****r. I've heard a few things about him. Apparently during his tinem in wrestling he has stolen from other wrestlers gear, used their phones to call sex lines etc etc. And he has also been a w****r with bookers, disobeying orders, not doing things as he was told. He's a grade A c**t. Ironically, he aoeard on thon Paddy McGuinness dating show back last year. Wishaw Press
  20. That's my suggestion. Somewhere that's close by and won't take all day to find something!
  21. Colt Cabana, who formerly competed as Scotty Goldman in 2008 and 2009, worked a dark match prior to Tuesday's SmackDown taping in Lexington, Kentucky. He lost to Wade Barrett after receiving the Wasteland. Punk has his way
  22. She'll** If I'm being honest I'm not arsed what she wears. It's not as though people will talk about that......she's 2 months old FFS, everyone will be all over her. But the missus is making a big fuss about it.
  23. We've got a wedding to go to next Saturday, all day tomorrow is being spent shopping for something for Madison to wear.....oh the fucking joys . This will be the 2nd day of looking, we simply couldn't find something so small that my better half liked. Oh the joys of shopping for a2 month old
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