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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Kingston/Bourne Otunga/McGillicutty The Usos Miz/R-Truth Kings of Wrestling These are the stick ons. As for the other 3?: Khali/Jinder Mahal Rhodes/Di Biase Big Show + Somebody
  2. Is that f**k the same guy......I'm convinced it's not
  3. Start clueing yourself up on shorthand just now.
  4. http://pwtorch.com/a...cle_52540.shtml :lol: :lol:
  5. I didn't even know about the botch fest until I read that last post I put up. Isn't "new" Sin Cara a pretty young guy? EDIT: A quick bit research shows he's not young....34 actually. And he was well liked in FCW. As for "original" Sin Cara? Yes he is a HHH guy, the first infact, but I don't reckon they'd hesitate in getting shot of him. HHH won't want to be known as the guy who kept him just to make a point. By punting him and admitting he made a mistake would do the company well, and show that he isn't scared to make decisions.
  6. He's getting the role full time and the "original" Sin Cara is close to being released according to online rumours.
  7. Jonah Hex (2010) I was looking forward to seeing this one, but it was a bit of a let down in all honesty. The entire thing was a bit meh. That's not to say it was terrible, it wasn't, it just failed to live up to my own hype. My first problem is it wasn't long enough, it all ended a bit abruptly. It's another comic book adaptation that has failed to live up to the hype and could have been so much better. I mean the actual story is a cracking idea and to adapt it to a film sounds amazing but it just isn't. A saving factor for me is the casting, I'm a huge Josh Brolin fan and he is very good in this, it's just been put together pretty poorly. aia mean it lasted an hour and twenty minutes.....half of which was either spent with people just saying the name Jonah Hex (seriously I lost count at about 130 odds) and scenes with Megan Fox just because it was Megan Fox. To be honest, there was no need for her character other than the fact that it was her playing it. They fucked up by cutting out half of the back story from the comic books, the character would have been so much better. A pretty meh effort. 6/10
  8. Since nobody is interested Tazz to JR Edge to Jeff Hardy upon Jeff WWE return. The 3 years was a dig at his time in TNA. Austin to Bret Hart Jim Cornette during one of the little segments he used to get called "My Two Cents" or something at the beggining of the Monday Night Wars. Stone Cold to Flair. The Rock to HHH....but he may have repeated it to Cena at some point. A personl fvourite of mines, said by JBL to Chris Masters Paul Birchill to Scotty 2 Hotty. Triple H to Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie said something about how HHH couldn't satisfy her with his wee cock and this was Hunters reply.
  9. It was indeed Stone Cold saying it obviously to Flair. I fear The Rock may have used this more than once since so many of you have different memories of it. He definetly said it to HHH, that's the one I remember.....but I wouldn't be surprised if he has reused it on Cena. Many people care to continue guessing or would you like answers yet?
  10. Correct Correct If people care to try answer I'll give them a chance before giving answers. Correct Wrong Wrong Dom already has that one correct. It was Tazz talking about JR. Dom has that one too.
  11. TMZ reports today that Matt Hardy has been rushed to the hospital after falling at home. Here's their report: "Troubled wrestling star Matt Hardy was rushed to an emergency room in North Carolina this morning after falling down in his home ... TMZ has learned. Sources close to Matt tell us ... the ex-TNA star hadn't been feeling well ... but it's unclear as to what caused Matt to fall down. So far, the extent of his injuries are unknown -- but a family member tells us Hardy is expected to be released from the hospital tomorrow. It's been a rough month for Hardy -- as TMZ first reported, he was arrested on suspicion of DWI last weekend and was subsequently fired from his gig at TNA wrestling."
  12. Who said it and to/about who?: "I would slap you on the face but it looks like god already beat me to it" "Didn't you die three years ago or something?" "You know what I think of Bret hart, just put an 's' in front of hitman, that's what I think." "But here you've got a 46-year old bald movie star wannabe who looks like Uncle Creepy with a good build taking on a guy with an artificial hip who hasn't wrestled a full schedule in ten years. It's a tribute to the massive egotism - in my mind - of both men and an indictment of WCW's promotional policy that this match even took place - much less in the main event - when the card was one of the best WCW was capable of having. By the ten minute mark they were sucking wind so bad, the first three rows passed out of oxygen deprivation. Would have been funny if it wasn't so sad." "You're a Nature Boy? DO you like Nature? DO You Like Boys?" "A guy who looks like Tarzan and wrestles like Jane." "If you had anymore brain cells you'd only be a complete moron." "You Tap-Dancing Poof." "Even a 747 looks small when you're flying it into the Grand Canyon."
  13. One lassie on mines is an attention seeking twat. She's posted: "Feel like shit" Followed by: "Some people just reallly annoy me just want to slapp them allllll! !!!!!" Followed by: "Wat a shitty day :|" Then: "Bored out ma face :| fs" Sometimes screaming at the top of ur lungs really dose help! !!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH And finally: "AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" All in the space of 24 hours...seriously, if your life is that bad then maybe suicide is the answer?
  14. Can he do that though? All I've ever seen from him is boring as f**k and annoying as f**k. If he's going to be that annoying, get him off commentary and make him a manager. Nobody can do heel commentary well anymore.
  15. The problem with Cole is, do you keep him as an annoying fanny or do you make the shite, boring, commentator he was before? I've never rated him to be perfectly honest. How WWE can have a guy like Joey Styles on the books and have him working for WWE.com rather at an announce desk is beyond me. Get JR and King on RAW and Styles and Foley.....or JBL on Smackdown along with Josh Matthews.
  16. The Punk/Nash/HHH segments keep getting better and better, Coming out of SummerSlam I had a feeling they were going to tak it and turn it into shit.....but having Nash hang around has been a superb move. Obviously he can't wrestle at a high level, and a match with Punk will be shit, but the story line can still go in a few different driections and it is utterly gripping. Putting Bourne with Kingston is a good move. They clearly have nothing decent for Kingston just now and there isn't really many who Bourne can do his thing with, so put them both together, I like it. I really like Evan Bourne. I really hope HHH does bring back the cruisers.....Bourne could be a star. I missed the Miz/Truth segment...what did they say? I have to say a Cena/Del Rio feud doesn't really make me wanna watch it. I mean Del Rio can wrestle, but his character has gone kinda boring. He just rehashes the same lines every week, and often repeats the same line several times in one promo....a poor mans JBL. I'm sure their matches will be decent enough, but the actual feud is all a bit meh.
  17. My bros girlfriend: "Fancy a coffee?" My girlfriend: "Yes please, 2 sugars." My bros girlfriend: "Black or white?" My girlfriend: "Black sugar?"
  18. Today we went to my brothers girlfriends place with out 3 month old dughter. My bros girlfriend said to her: "Fancy a coffee?" "Yes, 2 sugars please." "Is that black or white?" "Black sugar? " I was once talking to my future mother-in-law and I forget what she was talking about, as I tend to do rehularly, but she mentioned the 4th of July (they're American). I said: "We don't have that in Scotland" "So what do you celebrate on the 4th of July?"
  19. I watched a little bit of iMPACT tonight before I had to leave for a party. I have to say, it's no worse than any recent episode of SmackDown. Bully Ray looked really good, both in the sense that he's kind of in shape for the first time ever, and as a character. Is he like a henchman of Immortal? He looked like he was calling the shots. The guy Gunner looked pretty skinny, I remember him being quite big and intimidating....or am I thinking of someone else? The guy Crimson definetly has the look to be a top guy, he looks like a beast. He cut a small promo backstage, and whilst it wasn't amazing, it wasn't exactly terrible. I missed his match, I had to leave before it came on. I would quite looking forward to seeing him to see if this 7 month undefeated run is justified. The tag team BFG tournament thing kinda confused me...was it only the guy who got the pin who picked up points or was it his team. If it was the individual then why would all their tag partners willingly tag them in? Also, did I heaer Taz right in saying that Daniels is now a part of Fortune?
  20. Ok this morning when I was in Willie Hills putting my coupon on I saw a bet I fancied. Liverpool to beat Arsenal 2-0 and Suarez first goal scorecast. Now the first goal was obviously an OG, but one of my mates claims some bookies will ignore an OG as first goal and go to the next goal scorer and count that as first goal. Any confirm if this is true and if Hills offer this?
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