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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Spent a few hours looking after my wee niece today, found it quite funny trying to explain to her that Madison is NOT her sister
  2. It baffles me when people complain how utterly terrible and lacking in entertainment WWE is, yet still watch religiously. SOL springs to mind, with countless "Cena is shite, if he wins I'm never watching WWE again" only to pipe up first to ask "anyone else watchin Raw?". You really don't have to watch WWE, there are hundreds of promotions out there and one of them somwhere will offer what you're looking for. Of course there is going to be terrible segments on shows, but to say there's NO entertainment is miles off the mark. And PG has nothing to do with it, if blood, violence and swearing is what you're looking for then maybe you're better suited to watching a copy of Scarface.
  3. He's the most intense fucker in WWE right now. Every time he says he's unstoppable you can believe him and he has vastly improved in the ring.
  4. I think Cav is a certainty for green, unless as you say, he crashes out. As for yellow? Can't see it. If Sky does get yellow, I don't think it will be Wiggins. He will crack when the pressure is on. Froome? Well I'd say he's untested, I mean apart from the Vuelta he hasn't done anything. There's no way I can see them finishing above Contador, the Schlecks, Evans and the likes. Do they even have the team to go for both? Has it been done in the recent past?
  5. Just saw Cavs first interview as a Team Sky rider on SSN. He's got them down as winning green and yellow next year, I doubt it.
  6. Just started watching last nights RAW, just at the beginning of Cena vs Sheamus.....anyone else think Punk and Coles voice sounds similar? He never used to sound anything like him when he did commentary before
  7. From LordsofPain.net - What odds on him being "future endeavoured" during the next batch? Also from Lords of Pain -
  8. Finally got done watching RAW and I thought it was weird. I mean it feels big, but some of the things didn't add up. I mean Punks the one whos been going on and on about yet he's nowhere to be seen? Cena gets his arse kicked after HIAC and is nowhere to be seen? The Laurinitus walks out to do a Kenny Shiels style stare only to walk away? The whole reason why I'm still so hooked is, well usually you can see where a story is going, but where in the f**k is this one going? I have no idea. Are they making it too obvious that Laurinitus is involved, that in actual fact he isn't? Or will he be a part of the whole thing?
  9. Just watching RAW....Cody Rhodes sounds like he's in the middle of a stroke when he talks.
  10. I called this right at the beginning. But whats the point in trying to create the authority figure in HHH only for the original one to come back. But I'm thinking Vince is issuing orders to Laurinitus. The ending of the match was terrible I thought. Cena gets locked out, Del Rio fucks Punk with the pipe 1-2-3? Very poor I thought. The ending to the PPV was phenomenal. The way Miz/Truth caused maximum damage and then simply surrendered to police, but the bit with Laurinitus telling HHH that they were in the building and kicking the shit outta people clearly points to the fact that he is with Miz/Truth, no? All in all a pretty meh PPV with a superb ending.
  11. Just lift the cell naw? A very weird finish to say the least. Still, no seen an arrest in WWE in years. This has Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth written all over it does it not? Anyway it has certainly laid the foundations for Survivor Series.
  12. What a terrible finish. Why did they even take the title from ADR a fortnight ago? Anyway lets hope for an explosive ending.
  13. Not seen anyu of this so far, what did I miss?
  14. Am I the only one who has seen a huge improvement in the womens division in the WWE recently? The matches are actually watchable now.
  15. I think Kelly has a habit of over selling things...she gets put in sub and it sounds like she's being massacred.
  16. HHH pinned Jericho on top of the cell. EDIT: Judgement Day 2002 BTW.
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