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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. They're always there, I'm not particularly sure why, but I notice them in almost every HIAC match. Also, you now have to pin them in the ring in a HIAC match?
  2. Chimel "Here is your winner......Sin Cara"
  3. Nae winder there are boring chants. Two guys who are pretty boring doing the same thing in the same match.....double boring. Hurry up and end this pish. I bet WWE end this feud after this match.
  4. Cheers. Being "forced" to watch this now. The "heel" Sin Caras music is just weird. Anyway......c'mon Cara!!!
  5. And Sheamus officially boots Christian back to the mid card. Anyone got a good stream? Mines is fucking gash!!! I misses half that match.
  6. Fucking watching a stream is murder....I'll leave it till it's uploaded somewhere tomorrow.
  7. Get Ziggler in a main event feud!!! I enjoyed his very short feud with Edge over the WHC, culminating in acracker the Rumble I think it was. I can see Cena pinning Del Rio, continuing that feud. If Del Rio wins then it made no sense having Cena beat Del Ro for it just 2 weeks ago. I can see Punk/HHH joining forces to feud with Nash/Miz/Truth before HHH turns on Punk. (I love when everyone plays these prediction games before a WWE PPV, about 97% of predictions are a mile oot. Although WWE could do a hell of a lot worse than to take some of our ideas!!)
  8. Can't stay up for this tonight, working in the morning, and aside from Orton/Henry and the 3way I'm not that bothered. Henry has to keep the title but no doubt Orton will win it back (see Christians title run). As for the 3 way I can't see Punk winning if Nash is coming back and his story with HHH is going. So that either leaves another Superman or another boring ADR title run.
  9. As for top 5's: Current: 1. Punk 2. Henry 3. Sheamus 4. Ziggler 5. Danielson Non-WWE: 1. AJ Styles 2. Colt Cabana 3. Davey Richards 4. El Generico 5. Eddie Edwards
  10. Haha well I do remember there was a spate of births earlier in the year also. Once the summer months come to an end it seems P&Bers have nothing better to do.
  11. Just me or IS P&B going through another baby spree? Seems like there's been loads recently. Congrats to all
  12. If I'm being honest, I'm really not all that bothered with HIAC. I mean I'm sure it'll be ok, but there's nothing going on that has me thinking "I really have to see this". EDITED TO ADD: It's basically the same matches we've had 2/3 month in a row. Cena vs Punk, Cena vs Del Rio, Christain vs Sheamus, Orton vs Henry, Beth vs Kelly.
  13. Saving Private Ryan I had never seen this before so was looking forward to it. Was it just me or did it not make sense? At the start theres the auld geezer at the cemetery looking at the crosses. The camera zooms in to his face as he has a flashback to the story and he becomes a younger man in the war, Tom Hanks. Then at the end of the story Tom Hanks dies, and once the war story is done we see the old guy again and realise that he is not in fact Tom Hanks character as an old man but Matt Damons character. It's 2 and a half hours of blood and violence followed by 10 minutes of sentimental pish. 5/10 Can you tell I'm not keen on war films?
  14. I'd love it if Nash showed up with pals and helped HHH and Miz/Truth made the save for Punk, setting up old guys vs new(er) guys
  15. Can't watch NOC tonight so I'll give it a watch tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, the card for this one is pretty good instead of the usual good ME and shite undercard. It's pretty obvious Nash will make an appearance tonight. Anyone see Rock coming back to set up his Survivor Series match? If this HHH/Punk feud is going to continue then HHH HAS to win tonight (obviously not cleanly) or simply not loose. This has me thinking Nash will interfere and attack both. Making it look like he and HHH are not working together, then eventually have the big reveal where we find out they are. Then have Punk feud with both where Punk eventually wins the rivalry.
  16. Had £5 on Inter/Roma to draw @ 5/2 and £5 on 0-0 @ 8/1.
  17. Spent a lovely wee day at the passport office with the wee one
  18. I thought the Sin Cara/Sin Cara segment was pretty cool.
  19. CC's new name in FCW is Antonio Cesaro. I have no idea why they have changed it. His own name is fine.
  20. I really like CC. Hopefully he gets a chance this time. He was fired before he even got started last time around.
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