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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. djchapstick what was the fat Geordie guys last name? I thought he was very funny but can only remember his first name.
  2. During the Foley/Kirkwood segment I didn't hear a word thank to the c***s at the back chanting and shouting.....fannies. I did enjoy the wummin saying to them tae shut up. Pretty much the first half of Foleys routine was telling jokes and the second half was telling wrestling related stories...i spent half pishin myself, the second half listening intently.
  3. That wes fucking phenomenal.....Mick Foley is a very funny man. Very , very funny night. I would recommend when he comes back next year,,,,,his mix of jokes and stories was excellent. He shared some very funny stories about Vincem Snuka, HHH, The Rock, Kane and even entered to Kurt Angles WWE theme music and used that to shut up hecklers he played Angles and had the crowd do the "you suck" chants. The support acts were also superb, 2 acts were excellent...imcluding ICW's own Billy Kirkwood.
  4. Off to see Mick Foleys comedy gig tonight, looking forward to it. Apparently your ticket allows for a meet and greet aftewards and entry to the afterparty.
  5. She's a nightmare!!! She'll wake up and lay there seeking attention, she has me up three to four times a night for no reason.....just because she can I reckon. She's awake just now, she fights the sleep just to f**k with me, I swear I hope it's just a phase, the thought that she could become more hyper as she gets older fills me with dread
  6. I think we have a hyperactive baby. Simply will not be still for a minute. You can't move in our place for cushions and pillows scattered all over the place to stop her hurting herself. She wakes up several times a night, but doesn't cry or bawl the place down....she simply lays there wriggling about whilst "oohing and aahing".
  7. Is that not just a fine? I know weed is a $5,000 fine, I don't think it counts as a strike either.
  8. WWE has announced that tag team champion Evan Bourne has been suspended for 30 days. The official statement from the WWE website reads:"In accordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Matthew Korklan (Evan Bourne) for 30 days effective immediately for his first violation of the company's policy."Bourne and his tag team partner Kofi Kingston lost non-title matches on both Friday's SmackDown and Monday's RAW.
  9. I've been busy and forgot it was an early start.....what I miss?
  10. Just started watching SmackDown from Friday, Hunico can actual cut a not bad promo, but I'm guessing they are going with a Homicide style gimmick with him now judging by the way he was dressed.
  11. This may be the stupidest question in this entire thread, but I'm just wondering if the clocks changing has effected anybodies little ones sleep before. Madi is a terrible sleeper , should I expect it to get worse for a few days?
  12. The wee one has a head cold, she was up from about 2.30am yesterday and she's the same again tonight.....fun
  13. Maybe the lad Crimson isn't, I've barely saw him. Aries should be higher up the card than the X-Division he is good enough, Joe and AJ are most certainly good enough and they obviously think Roode is good enough since they put him in the main event of their biggest show of the year, so why can't they have MOTN's? They just need to show more faith in the other guys I reckon, they seem to scared to push some of them.
  14. So the match of the night involved Hogan, Sting, Flair, Steiner, Bully Ray and Bischoff? That's the problem in TNA, you had also on the card Aries, Joe, the lad Crimson, AJ and Roode. Guys like these should be having match of the night. Instead they are either shunted down the card, given little to no build up, or given very little match time.
  15. What a ridiculous ending to the main event. Your biggest show of the year and you end it like that? Deary me.
  16. Been trying to watch BFG inbetween babysitting....saw a few of the matches. Aries vs Kendrick was great match I thought. I saw the start of the 3 way, but it bored me. Just watched Hogan vs Sting and shite as it was, it was fucking brilliant!!! I was marking like f**k for the ending.
  17. Great way to try get one of your talents to re-sign....call him a "30-something scumbag with dirtbag good looks and soulless eyes."
  18. Cheers. Big Aries fan so that's a plus. No Idea who Mexican America are, Hernandez I assume? RVD vs Jerry Lynn? I thought they had a one off match months ago. AJ vs Daniels could persuade me. Last time I watched Bully Ray was worth a watch. Hate Matt Morgan and no idea who Crimson is. Surely Hogan vs Sting isn't a serious match? Is someone likely to take Hogans place? Jeff Hardy after his last match with Sting? Big Bobby Roode fan and you can't go wrong with Kurt. Aye f**k it, I'll watch at least some of it. Only thing is, this is their WrestleMania, why the need for so many stipulations? Full Metal mayhem, I Quit, Falls Count Anywhere and a Career vs Company match???? Jesus f**k.
  19. I'm on my phone (ie it's slow as f**k), anyone care to post the BFG card? What matches do they have to see whether I can be tempted to watch?
  20. That's where you're going wrong, stop trying to compare it to other periods. It's not like any period we've seen before. It's not going to be another Attitude so the sooner people accept this and stop comparing them then they will see that it's still entertaining. As hundreds of people have mentioned in interviews, Vince puts out his best TV when someone is trying to put him out of business and that just isn't happening. They know that they can take chances on people because even if it backfires they will still gets millions tuning in each week as there is no real alternative. TNA is miles and miles behind and apart from them all the rest are either foreign or indie which only marks will watch. They can f**k stories/wrestlers up and still be guaranteed of their audience continuing to watch.
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