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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Paul Nicholson has become a laughing stock at the World Championship Darts after blaming his defeat on his opponent's girlfriend. Kim Huybrechts beat Nicholson 4-1 in the last 16 of the tournament at Alexandra Palace, a result which Nicholson put solely down to the damage to his concentration caused by the crowd's raucous reaction to the presence of Dana Verhaegen. TV cameras continually cut to the shapely Verhaegen - a world-class darts player in her own right - to show her reaction at key moments during the match, and every time her face appeared on the giant screens the inebriated crowd went crazy with a chorus of cheers and wolf whistles. "There's only one reason why I lost that match — and she was sitting right in the front row," fumed Nicholson. "If she had not been in that crowd, I swear to God I would have won... Trust me, the most important thing in that match was her. I wanted to win it so badly, but nobody on the planet can play in that situation." "I've got nothing against Kim, he played better than me, but the crowd were more interested in his girlfriend than the darts." Nicholson's complaint was rejected by the PDC, but the livid ninth seed insisted that he will no longer take any nonsense from spectators. "I just didn't have the crowd's respect — and quite frankly, I don't want it any more," he said."The next time I win a tournament on television, I'm going to give them the two fingers up and I'll take the fine." He is one of my favourite players, but I can't help but feel he's making an arse of himself here
  2. Madison just tried to crawl for the first time.....exciting stuff!!!!
  3. With the amount of hype it got I'd imagine he's here for the forseeable future. Would be fucking stupid to build him up they way they have to then have him for a few weeks before he leaves again to join up with his band.
  4. I'm still going with it was intentionally bad and he was told to mock the crowd.
  5. WWE's website has a new article up looking at how Chris Jericho has used viral videos over the years. They're also teasing more to Jericho's WWE return than we saw on RAW last night: "Still, there are plenty of questions left unanswered between the videos and Jericho’s shocking appearance on Raw SuperShow. For example, the fourth video refers to a mysterious “she.” According to the clip, “she” holds the answers to the return of Chris Jericho, and that when he calls her, he will begin to reclaim what is rightfully his. What does all this mean for the WWE? No one but Chris Jericho knows, and until he decides to let the rest of the world in on his ultimate goals, all the WWE Universe can do is conjecture. Certainly, Jericho has left us plenty of material to do precisely that."
  6. I'll hazard a guess at Jericho with Broadus Clay as his bodyguard/backup. It had such a weird, anti cliactic feeling to it that there has to be more to it. I mean it really did look like Jericho did mock the big return and it just didn't match the vignettes at all. They were dark and eerie yet Jericho was playing up to the crowd like the Jericho of old. It has to have been intentionally fucked up or it has just been utterly pish poor writing.....or has been mentioned Jericho was oot his tits!!!
  7. Jesus fucking christ people. How is the Jericho thing pointless, a waste of time etc? You don't even know where they're going with it yet. Give it a chance.
  8. If he's sticking around, which I'm sure he will, I'm certain he'll be heel from the get go.
  9. He said recently something along the lines of the PG product is shite, it's not what wrestling should be, it's not what he got into the business for and that in its current he doesn't want to return. So he either really does hate it just now or he's trying to throw us off the scent, but I doubt it.
  10. I meant I'll give it a miss as I find the 2 of them to be utter bawbags. I can't see past a convincing Lewis victory.
  11. I posted about this movie a few weeks back, looks like it's for real and will be made.: SRG Films' upcoming film Crossface retelling Chris Benoit's descent into double murder and suicide will feature actors portraying his wrestling peers. "Eddie Guerrero is obviously very important to the story," Sarah Coulter tells WorstPreviews.com, who has already written the first draft of the script. "Triple H, Kurt Angle, they're all there, but it's early and things can still change. "Regarding whether the film will be a biopic, Coulter says, "Chris had a remarkable career. You take a look at his time in Japan and with Stu Hart, and you realize that you'd need more than one movie to tell the entire Chris Benoit story. Ultimately, it's about the 2007 murders/suicide, so we had to pick and choose the right moments in Chris' career that may have been factors in his downfall." Coulter adds several actors are under consideration for the lead role and that an official casting announcement will be made soon
  12. Lewis vs Hamilton, I think I'll give the final a miss.
  13. Lewis "Fair play to James, he agreed to stop the game to fix the breeze. He could have said no and probably would have won 6-0." Wade is an utter bawbag. Forget sportsmanship. It's the semi final of the world championships. Do what you have to do! Fucking clown.
  14. Moment of the year for me is between Punks "shoot" promo and Edges retirement speech.
  15. WWE Superstar Heath Slater has not won a match on WWE programming since the July 28th Superstars when he beat Trent Baretta. Slater, who was suspended for failing a Wellness test back in October, lost to Sheamus on this week's SmackDown and finished 2011 with an 18-match losing streak for WWE TV and pay-per-view events. The suspension and losing streak weren't Slater's only troubles in 2011. Back in late June, Atlanta security guard Corinne Oliver filed a police report against him claiming that he assaulted her in a hotel during WrestleMania 27 weekend. The news broke in early August that police were investigating Slater for the allegations but no charges were ever filed and we haven't heard anything since. This stat raised a smile....get him to f**k.
  16. I fucking love Mark Henry just now, but not Superstar of the Year. Maybe if we added the catagory of shock Superstar of the Year or Most improved???
  17. I think he's still under contract to UFC, so unless he agrees a deal with Dana White to get out of it, White probably won't give him the go ahead to work for WWE. I thought, in terms of main stream wrestling (WWE), 2011 was a pretty good year compared to the last few. So while we're on the topic, lets try drum up some conversation. What are your: Superstar of the year 2011 - CM Punk Match of the year 2011 - John Cena vs CM Punk, Money in the Bank Feud of the year 2011 - CM Punk vs the WWE PPV of the year - Money in the Bank It's fair to say that, for me, 2011 was the year of Punk. Feel free to add catagories.
  18. I only caught the Barrett/Orton match and really enjoyed it. There's just something about a backstage brawl that you can't beat!!!
  19. Best game I've seen this year, by a mile.
  20. I have £5 on Wade to win the tournament but I hope Part wins to get it up these mutants in the crowd.
  21. Quickfire set there.....one of the shortest of the championships?
  22. He would make a great heel character, just follow the parts of the video to see the whole match vs Punk.
  23. I watch it now and again, since you've mentioned Rollins I'll leave him out, out of the ones I've seen I quite liked Dean Ambrose and Corey Graves (formerly SJK on the indie scene).
  24. TheDDT.com is reporting that Randy Orton's injury angle is cover for him failing a Wellness test. This would be Orton's third fail, and if WWE followed it's own policy at http://corporate.wwe...e_policy.jsp#15 then Orton should have been fired. More news as it develops.
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