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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Bryan finally showing something now that he's been given a bit of resposibility. He's been very good last week on SD and tonight characterwise.
  2. Oh aye, forgot to ask but hasn't Mil Mascaras already been anounced for the HoF? Making Edge the 2nd guy announced?
  3. Have Kane boot f**k out of Ryder, causing him to forefeit the US title and he's get mental heat.
  4. You actually forget half of the great matches/moments Edge had.
  5. There seems to be a backstage brawl obsession in WWE at the moment....I like it.
  6. It seems to have gone from the show where developmental guys compete for a contract to the "wee show" like ECW was towards the end with its own storylines and everything. It has Johnny Curtis, who I thought had already won a series of NXT yet is still on the show??
  7. Allow me to do my best SOL impersonation: **Ahem (clears throat)** Anyone staying up for RAW tonight?
  8. He always sounds shocked at the score, as if he's questioning it. "Fifty-niiine???"
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnsELUdcnaM Not new, he released it months ago and I'm pretty sure I posted it on here but this is my favourite Warrior rant. EVER!
  10. So incase some of you don't know, Nash has been talking some shit about Warrior recently, and at one point challenged Warrior to an MMA fight. Warriors response: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yw2_JC1Hu5M#!
  11. @chrismasontv Martin Adams who represents everything BDO, you funny funny man. A drunk Martin Adams was comedy gold, epic stuff espn BDO PLEASE IM NOT GONNA EXPLAIN, IF YOU DIDNT WATCH ESPN YOU MISSED COMEDY GOLD. f**k Adams fucking idiot, watch yourself back tomorrow you twat. There is no way this wont come out, then you will see why im fucking mental, fucking bullshit. f**k Adams fucking idiot, watch yourself back tomorrow you twat. Adams was just a drunk p***k, normally hes just a daft p***k, if you watched the darts tonight and didnt see sumit suspect im alone in this!
  12. Watched the first couple of matches. Wolfie did just about enough. He didn't have to be good to win and he wasn't, but it's the first round and he'll move up a few gears as it progresses. The O'Shea match was shockingly bad. Twelve darts between to take out double 1 was embarassing. I quite liked the look of Stone today, he looked like he's a decent player. Montgomery was a mixture of decent and abysmal all in one match.
  13. I have to say I enjoyed Danielson as the cowardly heel.
  14. Watching SmackDown just now...Booker T looked absolutely fucked at the end of that match.
  15. There is heat on Evan Bourne after Triple H confronted him a few weeks ago, blaming him for the story getting out about R-Truth's suspension being for fake marijuana or spice, as well as how they were smoking it together. It's said that Triple H is not a fan of Bourne but Stephanie McMahon thinks he brings something unique to the table. Even with Stephanie's support, there is whispers within WWE that Bourne is about to be the next Paul London - a guy with talent who is going to be broken mentally by the system. There is also heat on Bourne because of the idea that you are not supposed to publicly show frustration with company and some feel that he has done that through Twitter at times. Now I like Bourne, he's fun to watch and he sells as well as anyone in WWE just now, but f**k me the boy has no personality. Would he be that much of a loss?
  16. Each time I'm asked what my favourite series is it changes. Just now I'd say it's between 2 and 3.
  17. Jesus, the thoughts on Jerichos return have changed a hell of a lot since Monday!!!
  18. Exactly what I said after RAW. We don't even know where they are going with this. If in a few weeks time it's still dire then I'll be willing to accept that they have fucked it up. In the mean time just watch and see what happens first before writing it off.
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