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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Since the dawn of time? I mean I don't mind a promo opening the show if it's good or relevant, but it is ok to start a show with some wrestling. I mean if the opening segment is shite it tends to set the tone for the rest of it. I actually thought tonights opening was ok because it was two of the best, Punk and Cena, and a guy I'm enjoying just now in Laurinitis. EDIT:PS Laurinitis is one of my favourite tweeters during RAW, My link
  2. The next batch of FCW lads must be due to be called up. I know that Seth Rollins and my personal favourite from FCW, Dean AMbrose have been on the road with WWE working house shows. Triple H also wants to delay debuting any new talent until creative has solid storylines for them and strong gimmicks. Ambrose will make a good heel when he gets the call.
  3. On a Hunter S, Thompson binge just now. Just finished reading The Great Shark Hunt and just this minute purchased Hells Angels.
  4. I forgot Terry Crews/T-Money used to be in this, I'm watching the episode I posted and forgot how good/shite it was. I always liked the Voodoo guy, Cuda or something.
  5. Battle Dome anyone? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_zgnjN9ljE&feature=relmfu
  6. Is his injury not a pretty bad one? If it is then I can't see it.
  7. I'm not use if any of these are spoilers but I'll use tags anyway:
  8. We've got a commando crawler, shes slithering about the living room like a snake!! She also can't resist herself from grabbing the couch and standing up by herself as long as someone is there to support her.
  9. Oh my god, I can not believe this!!! In all seriousness, I knew this was coming. When I saw the footage of Bourne being pinned at the live event to loose the titles and then again last night in the rematch I had a feeling he had fucked up again. He really is going about it the right way to get himself fired with 2 suspensions in what? 2 months? He seems like a guy who would be happy to go back to the indies....at least he has a place there whenever he wants it.
  10. I'd guess that a lot of fans switched off turned over due to the lack of explanation. Of course a lot will be hooked to see what Jericho does, but many will have lost patience already with it. Looking forward to Ziggler vs Punk, I reckon it'll be a cracker. But I can't see them taking the title off of Punk heading to Mania. I reckon he'll take the title into it and Jericho will be your Rumble winner. I think it's inevitible that it'll end up Jericho vs Punk at some point either way. I'd have Punk vs Ziggler, where Ziggler is made to look like a legit future world champ but Punk gets the win. Then in the Rumble have Jericho fail to enter when his music hits, fairly early on....then wait until the last couple of guys are left, probably Cena, Sheamus and Barrett, and then Jericho makes his entrance and gets the win.
  11. I've always felt this, but in my opinion Foley made Orton. They had a great feud and Foley left Orton looking like a Superstar when he wasn't quite yet. I always enjoy watching Cena, particularly when he's in a new feud. He's feuded with just about everyone in the WWE. I don't recall him feuding with Kane before, so as far as I'm concerned all is good on the Cena front.
  12. Good to see Foley back without some shite like dressing up as Santa etc, Why didn't they just have Air Boom loose the titles last night instead of at a house show? The Jericho stuff was very predictable. As soon as he was added to the match you could see him walking out on them a mile off. They really need to do something with this quickly as I think they are beginning to loose people with it. Shite choice of US Champ for me. They want to get Kane and Laurinitis heat whilst putting Cena over and getting the sympathy vote for Ryder, with that said surely someone else could have been given the title.....The Miz? I think I am one of the few who likes Daniel Bryan just now, hes slowly but surely showing that he does have charisma. Big Brodus was same as last week, can't get enough of the guy. Really looking forward to the Rumble now, it's becoming harder to guess a winner. Is it going to be an established guy? Cena, Orton, Jericho, Miz? Or a newer guy? Sheamus, Barrett? I loved the ending. Another cracking Punk promo which I thought would end the show, then we get Laurinitis, who I know gets alot of stick, but I think he is fantastic. It sets up the title match nicely. Punk faces an uphill battle against a guy who has beaten him twice and a ref who wants to screw him out oft he ttitle. A pretty good episode I thought.
  13. I think the top rope snapped, The Rockers were booked to win the titles, the rope snapped early in the match and the match went to shit, so they ignored the title change ever happened and the HF kept the titles.
  14. Series 4 starts on Wednesday night on 5USA at 10pm
  15. Let's be honest, is anyone really that bothered? When was the last time the tag titles defended? I don't recall Air Boom defending them, shows how memorable it was. With only about 3 tag teams in the entire company, the tag tiles wont mean shit.
  16. 1.The Wire 2. The Sopranos 3. Sons of Anarchy 4. Southland 5. Carnivale
  17. What a great game. Not the best in terms of standard, but a cracking scrap. Thrilling stuff. Chuffed for O'Shea, by far my favourite BDO player.
  18. O'Shea is my final bet remaining so I hope he does it.....but I won't be too upset to see Harms in the final.
  19. You just reminded me, Mick Foleys stand up tour had announced a Glasgow date. Originally there were no plans to come back to Glasgow but a date was announced the other day. The gig is the 23rd February which is a Thursday. It's at the Classic Grand right outside Central. Tickets go on sale on Monday morning. I went when he toured in n November and I highly recommend him. Very funny guy who blends in plenty of good old funny wrestling stories.
  20. The Royal Rumble is in St.Louis is it not? Meaning an Orton win in his home town isn't entirely out of the question.
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