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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Sitting watching Smackdown and it's a bad day when you totally forget who won the Royal Rumble a month ago. Jesus, fucking do something with Sheamus and fast!
  2. I loved it. I always liked SJK, and I used to love Raven since I followed ECW religiously, so regardless of how the match wnet, I'd have loved it because of Raven. I do recall him getting into a particular altercation with a wooden table. And him trying to understand what the f**k screaming Brits were requesting him to do.
  3. I quite liked him....probably because I saw him have a cracker at 1PW 3rd Anniversary vs Zack Sabre Jr.
  4. He made his debut the other night in FCW and reportedly came out of it looking VERY good.
  5. As a 13 year old at the time, clearly the best part of the invasion was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecBl6yFfTao Still get shivers watching it.
  6. I used to love O'Haires "Devils Advocate" vignettes...."I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know" I loved the character! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uckA-ZRru64&feature=related
  7. I meant more in terms of number of appearances. I only watch RAW and Smackdown and they're barely ever on it, not enough to for a real estimation of how terrible they are. I've always thought they were pretty middle of the road. Not terrible and can have decent matches.
  8. Well to be honest, they haven't been on TV enough to say wether they are bad or not. There matches have always been pretty ok I thought.
  9. My favourite MSG PPV's were always the Rumble and Survivor Series anyway.
  10. Don't the guys they bring in own their indy names as it is their creative property, ie. WWE would need to pay to own the name if the talent eventually leaves????
  11. Probably not from what I've read. Mania is the biggest pay day of the year so they are trying to stick with stadiums, I can't see them going back to MSG every 10 years for sentimental reasons when $millions are on offer.
  12. From LordsOfPain.net: Several readers have sent word that The Rock announced today at the WrestleMania 29 press conference in New Jersey that he will be appearing at next year's big event from MetLife Stadium. WrestleMania 29 will be The Rock's third straight WrestleMania appearance as he was the special guest host for WrestleMania 27 and will wrestle John Cena this year.
  13. The Wrestling Globe reports that WWE officials have decided to put Brodus Clay's "Funkasaurus" gimmick on hold for the time being. Word is that Vince McMahon feels that Clay's ring work wasn't where it needed to be for WWE TV. The match against Heath Slater was cut from SmackDown a few weeks back when the decision was made that Clay needed to work on his in-ring skills. f**k sake, like that makes any difference. They've got guys like Khali and Clay is twice the worker he is and has twice the personality.
  14. I know of that, Jesse Neal springs to mind, but surely the severity of the injury means even TNA won't f**k this kid over............I've still no idea who he is BTW.
  15. I read that it could take upto a year for a full recovery......meanwhile I'd expect TNA to take care of him until he's ready to.
  16. I may give TNA another chance since I haven't watched for the best part of 18 months.
  17. Fucking lovely. I can't wait for half 3, I expect P&B to capitulate with the amount of traffic/gifs.
  18. I've been into it from the start for some reason. At first it was the novelty of Cena vs Kane but now I don't know. Has Kane wrestled on RAW yet? I don't recall it since his return. I think it may be a mystique about Kane, who I actually think has been superb since he came back.
  19. He fell about 2 feet off the ramp....he's no dead!!!!
  20. Ryder just fell flat on his back in the ring.....why would being pushed off the ramp and landing on his feet be so bad?
  21. FU the c**t and heel Cena moves to the top of my fave five!!!
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