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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. There's something brilliant about A-Train vs small guys
  2. Another addition to the HoF lineup http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=enQFLod8-0w
  3. Just readin that FCW is going to the wall. WWE is set to open up a developmental promotion in Stamford, CT. They are also expected to open a second developmental promotion.
  4. Jericho/Punk must be one of the worst booked Mania title feuds in history. Shite stuff.
  5. I was of the assumption we were discussing who we think of the better workers are. If so, then I don't understand how Orton having better matches doesn't mean he's been better. He has had better matches, so surely he has be a more consistent in-ring performer?
  6. If we're talking strictly the last year or so, then yes. Punk had the best match of 2011. But for me, Orton had consistantly better matches but if there was a top 2 then Punk and Orton are it for me. Over the past year Orton has definetly had better matches than Bryan.
  7. To be fair to Orton he has been the most consistant worker over the past year. However, I find him tedious, dull and boring as f**k on the mic, but in terms of matches he is at very least in the top 2 in WWE. He maybe hasn't had match of the year, but his matches are very good and he can do it regularly. Shame he just seems like a complete drip.
  8. I thought it was his worst week so far in the head to head. Not much of his raps even rhymed and for the most part was pretty lame.
  9. The Rock won by such a margin that it wasn't even close. I have completely changed my mind from this time last month. Let's go Rocky!!!
  10. Fucking forgot the clocks went forward at the weekend in America!!!
  11. I loved Hollywood Rocky. It was just as he started doing movies so half of the crowd hated him for that already, then he just started acting like a big shot, diva. By far my favourite incarnation of The Rock.
  12. Can't see it, I don't they will touch one another till either the last RAW before Mania or Mania itself.
  13. I read the comics ages ago, I just got round to ordering series one on DVD. Eager!!!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QiSagFFOso
  15. If it's anywhere near as good as The Rock concerts he did in 2003 it should be pretty good.
  16. http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/169375-tonight%3B-server-migration-monday-12th-march/ How inconvenient for the RAW live crew affected.
  17. Madi is constantly trying to pull herself up on things so she can stand, she can manager a few seconds on her feet but then she starts to keel over and she lets out an "Uh Oh"
  18. Maybe it's because most faces on TV are shite? We have Orton, Cena and Punk. Aside from that the rest are shite. Apart from the three I just mentioned my other favourites would be Ziggler and Bryan.
  19. Watching The Chase on ITV just now and one of the contestants is a wrestling trainer. He had modelled himself on HHH ands looks/acts like a ballbag.
  20. Actor Adam West of Batman fame posted a photo of himself with the cast of WWE Legends House. Apparently West filmed some footage for the show this week in California. The photo shows Roddy Piper, Gene Okerlund, Howard Finkel, Hillbilly Jim, Pat Patterson, Jimmy Hart, Tony Atlas and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. The photo also shows singer Ashley Roberts of The Pussycat Dolls. It's speculated that Ashley may be hosting the show.Another celebrity linked to the show is comedian -Jeff Dye of MTV's Money from Strangers show. No word yet on how Dye fits in but he was at the house filming footage this week.
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